United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Publications Available from LANDCARE

NRCS National Publications and Agency Forms are available from LANDCARE. To request these, e-mail landcare@usda.gov or phone 1-888-526-3227.

Publications Available from the Montana State Office

The following lists of publications, posters, videos, and CDs/DVDs include those currently available. To request these, contact publications. Please include your name, phone number, e-mail address and mailing address, as well as the name of the publication and the quantity you would like.

On-Line Publications

If you encounter any problems with the files provided on this page, please contact Webmaster at 406-587-6945.

Some of these publications require Adobe Reader.

  • An Inch of Soil
  • Backyard Conservation (Summer or Winter)
  • Colors of Soil
  • Conservation Can be Habitat Forming
    • Sage Grouse
    • Cinnamon Teal
  • I Dig Dirt
  • Invitation to a Healthy School Yard
  • Invitation to a Healthy Country Home
  • Invitation to a Healthy Yard
  • Noxious Weed Treatment Quick Reference
  • Our Future Flies on the Wings of Pollinators
  • Wanted Poster: Insects to Improve Soil Quality
  • Water Cycle: Nature’s Recycling System
  • Backyard Conservation: One Yard at a Time
  • Be a Volunteer
  • A Better Way – Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • Bitterroot Valley-Fire 2001 & EWP
  • The Blackfoot Challenge
  • A Clear Reflection: Forestry BMP’s
  • Closing the Sale
  • Communication Skills for Managers
  • Tape One – Lessons 1-3
  • Tape Two – Lessons 4-6
  • Conservation on Your Own
  • Controlling Interruptions
  • Dealing With Conflict & Confrontation
  • Volume One – Causes, Kinds, & Effects of Conflict
  • Volume Two – Conflict Resolution Strategies: Your Options
  • Volume Three – Problem-Solving in Action
  • Desert Soils
  • Documenting Discipline
  • Door to the Future
  • Driver Training/Question of Attitude
  • Driver Training/Preventable: Yes or No
  • Driver Training/Surviving Winter Driving
  • EWP: Healing the Land
  • Faces
  • Farmland Protection Policy Act (CD-Based Training Program)
  • The Federal Long-Term Care Insurance Program
  • Educational Meeting Video
  • Long-Term Care Insurance #1
  • Long-Term Care Insurance #2
  • Long-Term Care Insurance #3
  • Fish Sticks: Keeping the Vision Alive
  • Go for the Gold: Reaching for the Finishing Line
  • The Good Earth
  • High Impact Leadership Vol. 1 & 2
  • History of Buffalo Rapids
  • How Chemicals Move Through the Soil
  • How to Lead a Team
  • Volume One – Where to Begin
  • Volume Two – Building a Strong Foundation
  • Volume Three – The Facilitation Toolkit
  • Volume Four – A Problem-Solving & Decision-Making Toolkit
  • Volume Five – Ensuring Accountability
  • Volume Six – Dealing With Conflict
  • Volume Seven – Leadership
  • How Water Moves Through the Soil
  • Identifying and Protecting Human Burial Sites
  • Identifying and Protecting Traditional Cultural Places
  • Improving Water Quality at Godfrey Creek
  • Irrigation Flow Measurement in Piped Systems
  • Keepers of the Flame
  • Land for Life
  • Landscape
  • Linking Girls to the Land
  • Listening to the Living Land: Outreach
  • Making a Difference
  • Meetings, Bloody Meetings
  • The Milk River
  • More Bloody Meetings
  • NRCS: A Great Place to Work
  • PEAK Performance
  • The Place of the Falling Waters: 1-Before the Dam
  • The Place of the Falling Waters: 2-The Road to the Dam
  • The Place of the Falling Waters: 3-The Dam and the Future
  • Plant Solutions for Conservation Needs
  • The Prairie Pothole Region
  • Protecting Surface Water with Vegetative Filter Strips
  • Production Agriculture: Feeding People While Protecting the Environment
  • Riparian Ranching Successes in Montana
  • Roots of Stewardship: Protecting America’s Private Grazing lands
  • Simple Justice – Program Discrimination Complaints at USDA (Video & Audio Cassette)
  • Teampac – Avoiding Group Think
  • Techniques for Restoring Wetland Topography
  • The TSP Video
  • Undaunted Stewardship
  • USDA – Introduction to Civil Rights
  • USDA Section 508 Seminar 2002 (3 Parts)
  • Wealth in Wetlands
  • Wildlife in Agricultural Ecosystems (A series of 28 different programs on 14 different video tapes.)
  • Course Introduction & History of Agriculture
  • History & Future of Agriculture
  • Effects of Farm Policy on Fish & Wildlife
  • Effects of Pesticides on Fish & Wildlife
  • Mitigating Pesticide Effects
  • Effects of Agriculture on Water Quality
  • Major Crop Types as Wildlife Habitat
  • Upland Crop management Systems
  • Role of Private Ag Lands in Water Bird Conservation
  • Edges & Ecological Traps
  • Landscape Ecology & Ag Ecosystems
  • Effects of Changing Ag Landscapes on Biodiversity
  • Wetlands in Agricultural Ecosystems
  • Riparian Reserves in Agricultural Ecosystems
  • Field Borders, Fence Rows, & Shelterbelts
  • Roadsides, Odd Areas, & Food Plots
  • Pasture Management
  • Habitat Assessment on Farmlands
  • Developing a Farm Plan I
  • Developing a Farm Plan II
  • Federal Assistance Programs
  • State Agency Assistance to Landowners
  • Animal Damage in Agricultural Areas
  • Managing Wildlife – Agricultural Conflicts
  • Wildlife-Related Recreational Opportunities in Agricultural Areas
  • Game Farming
  • A Global Context to Biodiversity in Agricultural Ecosystems
  • Workplace Violence
  • Dust in the Wind
  • Helping People Understand Soils: Tools for Educators
  • NRCS Clipart Catalog
  • Putting Yourself Out to Pasture
  • Stewardship for Small Acreages
  • Stream Restoration Design - National Engineering Handbook Part 654
  • Cultivating Conservation with the Bridger Plant Materials Center
  • Dust in the Wind
  • Land of Life: A Celebration of Wildlife Habitat on Private Lands
  • Listening to the Living Land: Outreach
  • Save the Sage

Publications Available On-Line

Fact Sheets
Successful Conservation Projects

Last Modified: 12/29/2008