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NHIN / HISPC / SLHIE Joint Conference

HISPC Provider Education Collaborative Update

May 2, 2008
Dallas, TX

Dana Green

Andrea White

Logo with the large lowercase letters HISPC; below appears the words Health Information Privacy and Security Collaboration.  A line of text below states Removing the Barriers from Health Information Exchange.

HISPC Collaborative Structure

A flowchart. The first box at the top of the page contains the words Office of the National Coordinator. It connects via a vertical line to a box below it with the words Health Information Security & Privacy Collaboration. Below that box are seven additional boxes that appear horizontally across the page and are connected to the box above them by one horizontal line. From left to right, the boxes contain the following text: Consent 1: Data Elements; Consent 2: Policy Options; Harmonizing Privacy Law; Consumer Engagement; Provider Education; Adoption of Standard Policies; Inter-organizational Agreements. The box with Provider Education has a green oval around it. The following words appear below the chart: Includes 42 states among the 7 Collaboratives.

HISPC Provider Education Group Members

Goals of the Provider Education Collaborative


Tactics to Implement Strategy

HISPC PET Project Timeline

A picture of a Microsoft Project timeline is shown, including task and subtask names in a vertical list. The timeline begins at March 2008 and ends with Quarter 4, 2009 (October, November, December). The timeline for this project spans the period April 2008 to March 31, 2009. Subtask deadlines are indicated in the timeline bars (for example, June 20 and March 27).

Toolkit Contents

Messaging Goals

Targeted National Relationships

Next Steps