Highlights for February 7 - February 11, 2005

Office of Safeguards and Security Evaluations (OA-10)

Site Assistance Visits (SAVs): Onsite closeout activities were conducted at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) and Nevada Test Site (NTS) this week (February 7 11). The next SAVs are scheduled to be conducted at the Office of Secure Transportation (OST) and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). The objective of the SAVs is to identify protection strategies and technologies to effectively implement the September 2004 design basis threat (DBT). A final report summarizing SAV activities is scheduled to be released in May.

Sandia National Laboratories-New Mexico (SNL-NM) Safeguards and Security Comprehensive Inspection: Preparations continued for an onsite planning visit scheduled to be conducted at SNL-NM in support of the comprehensive inspection. Topic teams initiated review of documents received from the site. This inspection is being conducted as a part of a combined OA-10, OA-20, and OA-30 inspection.

Oversight Policy and Order, 226.1: The Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB) continued to work on comments on the policy as part of the review and acceptance of DOE's implementation plan in response to DNFSB Recommendation 2004-1. Upon receipt, these comments will be considered for inclusion in the final draft of the policy. Activities continued on coordinating the draft Order through the program offices prior to formally submitting the order into the DOE REVCOM process.

Safeguards and Security Lessons-Learned: The revised draft will be reviewed during the next quality review board (date to be determined). The report is based on safeguard and security inspection results over the last two years and will identify positive attributes, areas needing improvement, and best practices to enhance protection programs throughout the Department. The final report will be distributed to ESE and NNSA security managers.

Basic Security Police Officer Training Special Review: The draft report is awaiting review by the quality review board (date to be determined).

Office of Cyber Security Evaluations (OA-20)

Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) Classified Cyber Security Inspection: Preparations continued for an onsite planning visit scheduled to be conducted at SNL NM in support of the comprehensive inspection. The technical assessment protocol has been discussed with the designated approving authority (DAA) and signatures are pending arrival for the scoping visit. The scope of the inspection is scheduled to include SNL operations in New Mexico and California. This inspection is being conducted as a part of a combined OA 10, OA-20, and OA-30 inspection.

South-Eastern Power Administration (SEPA) Cyber Security Inspection: Preparations continued this week in support of onsite data collection activities scheduled to be conducted at SEPA Headquarters, located in Alberton, GA. Coordination continued with key SEPA cyber security personnel. Many of the documents requested have been received and are being reviewed. In addition to the inspection plan, the technical assessment protocol was discussed with the SEPA CSO and is being signed and returned. The daily schedule has been submitted and a final teleconference is being planned.

Western Area Power Administration (WAPA) Cyber Security Inspection: Review of the distributed computing environment at four regional WAPA offices continued this week (February 7-11). The inspection schedule was expanded to accommodate the deployment of individual teams to review the distributed computing environment at the four regional offices. Validation and closeout activities are scheduled to be conducted at Lakewood, CO.

Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) Cyber Security Inspection: Final report development continued this week and is scheduled to be issued later this month (February).

Department of Energy Architecture Repository (DEAR) Software Application Special Review: Development of the final report continued and is scheduled to be issued this month (February). A security review of the DEAR software application, managed by the OCIO, was performed in response to concerns raised by the National Treasury Employee Union (NTEU).

Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Cyber Security Inspection Corrective Action Plan (CAP): Review of the interim CAP continued.

Southwestern Power Administration (SWPA) Unclassified Cyber Security Inspection Corrective Action Plan (CAP): The development of comments to the interim CAP was initiated this week.

Continuous Network Scanning Program: Scanning activities were initiated this week (February 7-11). Over 150,000 IP addresses were evaluated. The implementation of the continuous scanning program is in response to the Secretary's Security Initiatives.

Office of Emergency Management Oversight (OA-30)

Sandia National Laboratories - New Mexico (SNL-NM) Emergency Management Inspection: Preparations continued for an onsite planning visit scheduled to be conducted at SNL-NM in support of the comprehensive inspection. Inspection activities will include integrating emergency management and security performance test objectives.

Argonne National Laboratory-West (ANL-W) Emergency Management Targeted Review Corrective Action Plan (CAP): The revised interim CAP was received from the Office of Nuclear Energy, Science and Technology (NE) this week (February 7). On February 1, ANL-W and Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL) merged to become the Idaho National Laboratory (INL). ANL-W has been renamed the Materials and Fuels Complex (MFC) by Battelle Energy Alliance (BEA), the new INL contractor. The execution of this interim CAP will be the responsibility of BEA. The change in contractor will necessitate significant organizational changes in the emergency management at the site. It is expected that the final CAP will reflect some action revision and schedule changes now that BEA has become fully engaged in the CAP process.

Office of Environment, Safety, and Health (ES&H) Evaluations (OA-40)

Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) ES&H Inspection: Preparations continued for an onsite planning visit scheduled to be conducted at SNL-NM in support of the comprehensive inspection. Coordination continued with DOE site office and laboratory contacts. Inspection activities are being coordinated with the other OA offices who will be conducting a combined inspection.

Argonne National Laboratory - East (ANL-E) ES&H Inspection: Preparations were initiated this week in support of onsite scoping activities scheduled to be conducted at ANL-E. Conference calls are being conducted to establish scoping agenda activities to include facility tours, technical discussions, interviews and status of corrective actions from the previous OA review.

Pantex Plant (Pantex) ES&H Inspection: Report writing activities concluded this week (February 11). Onsite validation and closeout activities are scheduled.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) ES&H Inspection Corrective Action Plan (CAP): LLNL is scheduled to submit an interim CAP for review by next week.

New Brunswick Laboratory (NBL) ES&H Inspection Corrective Action Plan (CAP): A meeting to address the corrective actions for the technical basis document and maintenance implementation plan is scheduled for February 22-23.

Investigation of Worker Vapor Exposure and Occupational Medicine Program Allegations at the Hanford Site Corrective Action Plan (CAP): The review of the CAP was completed.

NNSA Safety Meeting: Met with NNSA's Chief of Defense Nuclear Safety this week (February 8) to discuss roles and responsibilities.

ES&H Focus Area Reports: Preparation of the CY 04 reports continued. The review criteria and approaches for CY 05 focus areas have been prepared and were incorporated into the Pantex Plant ES&H inspection plan.

Annual ES&H Lessons Learned Report: Development of the report summarizing the lessons learned from CY 04 inspections continued.

National Training Center (NTC) Safety Professional Development Program: Continued to provide support to the development of two courses, Safety Systems Oversight (SSO) and Contractor Oversight, selected for fast-track deployment in the March-April time frame. On November 5, the Secretary of Energy designated the National Training Center (NTC) as the center of excellence in security and safety professional development. This initiative is in partnership with NNSA, EH, and other departmental organizations including the Federal Technical Capability Program. The Director, SSA, designated OA-40 senior staff to lead the safety professional development efforts.