Highlights for November 22 - November 26, 2004

Office of Safeguards and Security Evaluations (OA-10)

Site Assistance Visits (SAVs) for Design Basis Threat (DBT) Implementation: Preparations continued for the next SAV scheduled to be conducted at Pantex. The objective is to identify protection strategies and technologies to effectively implement the September 2004 design basis threat (DBT).

Control and Accountability of Classified Removable Electronic Media (CREM): Planning activities were completed in support of the follow-up review scheduled to be conducted at Sandia National Laboratories-California (SNL-CA). A total of nineteen (19) sites/organizations have now been validated. An overall report summarizing the validation results of all 20 sites visited will be developed after completion of the SNL-CA follow-up review.

Special Access Program Oversight Committee (SAPOC) Briefing: Preparations continued in support of the annual briefing summarizing inspection results to members of SAPOC.

Chemical -Biological (Chem-Bio) Agent Special Review: The Chemical - Biological Special Review Evaluation Plan was distributed to potential review sites. Onsite scoping activities for the first of three scheduled reviews is scheduled to be conducted at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). Reviews are also scheduled at Oak Ridge and Los Alamos National Laboratories (ORNL and LANL, respectively). The results of this special review may impact the implementation of current protection strategies across the Department.

Composite Adversary Team (CAT) Training: Instructional materials and viewgraphs were completed this week in support of the training.

Force Protection Tactics and Techniques Summit: OA-10 is scheduled to send protective force subject matter experts to the summit at the Kings Bay, Georgia Naval Base. The summit will include demonstrations on a number of activities that will aid in the development of independent oversight inspection techniques. Of special interest are the demonstrations on recovery and recapture operations and protection of convoys.

Nuclear Materials Management Safeguards System (NMMSS) Task Force Report: Work continued on the development of this report scheduled for review by the Quality Review Board (QRB) next week (November 29 - December 3).

Safeguards and Security Lessons-Learned: Development of the report continued. The draft report is scheduled for management review by December 15. This report is based on safeguard and security inspection results over the last two years. The report is being prepared for ESE and NNSA security managers and will identify positive attributes, areas needing improvement, and best practices to enhance protection programs throughout the Department.

Up-Date for High Risk Incumbents: The list of high risk positions that require polygraph tests was updated and provided to the Office of Counterintelligence.

Office of Cyber Security Evaluations (OA-20)

Southwestern Power Administration (SWPA) Unclassified Cyber Security Inspection: The final inspection report is undergoing management review and is scheduled to be distributed next week (November 29 - December 3).

Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Cyber Security Inspection Corrective Action Plan (CAP): A draft CAP addressing issues identified as a result of the inspection is due to OA by December 15.

Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) Cyber Security Inspection. Development of the preliminary draft report continued. Onsite validation and close-out activities are scheduled.

Western Area Power Administration (Western) Cyber Security Inspection. Preparations continued in support of this inspection scheduled for January and February 2005. Communications continue with the Western CIO and cyber security staff to facilitate planning of the inspection activities. A document request was sent to the site and the technical assessment protocol is under development.

Department of Energy Architecture Repository (DEAR) Software Application Special Review: Preparations continued in support of this special review scheduled to be conducted next week (November 29 - December 3). A security review of the DEAR software application, managed by the OCIO, is being performed in response to concerns raised by a representative of the NTEU.

Office of Emergency Management Oversight (OA-30)

Chemical -Biological (Chem-Bio) Agent Special Review: The Chemical - Biological Special Review Evaluation Plan was distributed to potential review sites. Onsite scoping activities for the first of three scheduled reviews is scheduled to be conducted at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). Reviews are also scheduled at Oak Ridge and Los Alamos National Laboratories (ORNL and LANL, respectively). The results of this special review may impact the implementation of current protection strategies across the Department.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) Emergency Management Follow-up Inspection: Preparations continued in support of the follow-up inspection at LLNL in CY 2005 to examine the status of several emergency management program elements evaluated during the July 2002 inspection. The follow-up inspection is scheduled to occur concurrently with the Chemical and Biological Agent Special Review. Onsite scoping activities are scheduled.

Argonne National Laboratory-West (ANL-W) Emergency Management Targeted Review: Continued to await comments from the site regarding the draft inspection report provided on November 4. Comments were scheduled to be received by November 22. Site management is considering compensatory measures to address program elements rated as having significant weaknesses pending development of long term corrective actions.

Emergency Management Site Characterization Visit: A visit was conducted at the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), Morgantown, WV, this week (November 23). The purpose of the visit was to obtain a better understanding of the site emergency management programs. The visit was coordinated with the appropriate program and site office personnel.

Office of Environment, Safety, and Health (ES&H) Evaluations (OA-40)

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory ES&H Inspection: The site is scheduled to provide comments on the draft final report by the end of next week (December 3).

Oak Ridge National Laboratory ES&H Corrective Action Plan (CAP): A conference call with site management was conducted this week (November 23) regarding the CAP, provided to OA on November 2.

Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB) Recommendation 2004-1, Oversight of Complex, High-Hazard Nuclear Operations: Continued to provide support to develop an implementation plan for this recommendation. A number of significant comments on the implementation plan have been provided and discussions held with the implementation plan team lead and team members.

New Brunswick Laboratory (NBL) ES&H Inspection: Preparation for this inspection continued. Onsite data collection activities are scheduled.

Pantex (Pantex) Plant ES&H Inspection: Preparations were initiated in support of onsite scoping activities scheduled to be conducted at Pantex.

ES&H Focus Area Reports: Preparation of the CY 04 reports was initiated. The review criteria and approaches for CY 05 are under development.

Annual ES&H Lessons Learned Report: Development of the report summarizing the lessons learned from CY 04 inspections was initiated.

Los Alamos National Laboratory Special Assistance Review: The Director, OA-40, and key staff conducted onsite briefings this week (November 22) for LANL senior management to close out the review. (This item is closed)