Highlights for October 25 - October 29, 2004

Office of Safeguards and Security Evaluations (OA-10)

Control and Accountability of Classified Removable Electronic Media (CREM): Preparations continue for the final validation which is scheduled to be conducted at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). To date, 18 sites/organizations have been validated. An overall report summarizing the validation results will be completed following the LANL review.

Design Basis Threat (DBT) Site Assistance Visits (SAV): Two SAV teams received training in Albuquerque, NM, this week (October 25-29). Onsite SAV activities are scheduled to be conducted at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) and Argonne National Laboratory-West (ANL-W). All SAV are scheduled to be concluded by March 2005. The objective of the visits is to identify protection strategies and technologies to effectively implement the September 2004 design basis threat (DBT).

Safeguards and Security Director's Conference: The Director, OA-10, participated in the S&S Director's Conference held at Sandia National Laboratory - New Mexico (SNL-NM) this week (October 27-29). Principals from SSA, ESE, and NNSA were present, including Jerry Paul, the recently appointed Principal Deputy Administrator for NNSA. The objective of the meeting was to discuss progress on implementing the September 2004 design basis threat (DBT) and other initiatives to facilitate DBT implementation, such as the development of an elite protective force, deployment of technology as force multipliers, and consolidation of special nuclear material in order to reduce the number of locations to be protected.

Chemical -Biological (Chem-Bio) Agent Special Review: Continued planning with the Office of Emergency Management Evaluations (OA-30) in preparation to conduct onsite scoping activities at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). The results of this special review may impact the implementation of current protection strategies across the Department.

Basic Security Police Officer Training Special Review: Development of a draft report continued. OA management review has been rescheduled for next week (November 1-5). The final report is scheduled to be released in January 2005.

Composite Adversary Team (CAT) Training: A meeting was conducted this week (October 26) with the instructors to discuss objectives and expectations in support of the training scheduled.

Safeguards and Security Lessons Learned: Topic teams continued to work towards completing report appendices. The draft report is scheduled for management review by December 15. This report is based on safeguard and security inspection results over the last two years. The report is being prepared for ESE and NNSA security managers and will identify positive attributes, areas needing improvement, and best practices to enhance protection programs throughout the Department.

Forestall Stairwell Test: All available OA-10 personnel participated in the Forestall emergency stairwell test conducted this week (Monday, October 25). The exercise tested response procedures and participants reaction to stairwell shelter emergency procedures in the event of a chemical/biological occurrence at the Forestall Building. This item is closed.

Office of Cyber Security Evaluations (OA-20)

Southwestern Power Administration (SWPA) Unclassified Cyber Security Inspection: Onsite validation and closeout activities were conducted this week (October 25-29). A draft of the final report was provided to SWPA for review. SWPA has ten days to provide comments to OA.

Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Cyber Security Inspection: Comments on the final draft inspection report were received from BPA. The final inspection report is under development.

Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) Cyber Security Inspection: Preparations continued this week in support of onsite data collection activities. Requested documents and a signed testing agreement have been received from the site.

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Corrective Action Plan (CAP): An interim CAP was received by the Office of Science (SC) in response to the findings identified in the cyber security inspection report issued this summer. A review of the CAP was completed and several comments are being submitted to SC.

Western Area Power Administration (Western) Cyber Security Inspection: Preparations were initiated this week in support of this inspection. Planning activities included communications with the Western CIO and cyber security staff regarding document requests and the development of a testing agreement. Additional communications are being scheduled with key Western cyber security personnel over the next couple of weeks.

Office of Emergency Management Oversight (OA-30)

Chemical -Biological (Chem-Bio) Agent Special Review: Planning continued with the Office of Safeguard and Security Evaluations (OA-10) in preparation for onsite scoping activities at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). The results of this special review may impact the implementation of current protection strategies across the Department.

Argonne National Laboratory-West (ANL-W) Emergency Management Targeted Review: Onsite validation and closeout activities are scheduled. Coordination continues with the Office of Nuclear Energy, Science and Technology (NE), Idaho Operations Office (ID), Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL), Office of Science (SC), Chicago Operations Office (CH), and Argonne National Laboratory-West (ANL-W). The scope of the review included ensuring that emergency management program effectiveness is maintained during the transition of line management roles, responsibilities, and authorities between SC and NE.

Emergency Management Site Characterization Visits: Visits are scheduled to be conducted at the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant (GDP), Piketon, OH; and the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), Morgantown, WV. The purpose of the visits is to obtain a better understanding of the sites emergency management programs.

Office of Environment, Safety, and Health (ES&H) Evaluations (OA-40)

Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Special Safety Assistance Review: Development of a letter report continued summarizing activities conducted and providing recommendations to further sustain the resumption momentum and to improve ongoing institutional initiatives.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory ES&H Inspection: Onsite data collection activities concluded this week (October 25-29). Onsite validation and close-out activities are scheduled.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory ES&H Corrective Action Plan (CAP): The draft CAP was received from the site. Comments will be developed upon receipt and review of the final CAP from EM.

Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB) Recommendation 2004-1, Oversight of Complex, High-Hazard Nuclear Operations: Continued to provide support to develop an implementation plan for this recommendation. A number of significant comments on the implementation plan have been provided and discussions held with the implementation plan team lead and team members.

New Brunswick Laboratory (NBL) ES&H Inspection: Preparation for this inspection continued. Onsite data collection activities are scheduled.