Highlights for September 27 - October 1, 2004

Office of Safeguards and Security Evaluations (OA-10)

Control and Accountability of Classified Removable Electronic Media (CREM): The next validation will be conducted next week at Sandia National Laboratories - California (SNL-CA). Preparations are also underway to conduct post-restart validations at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), SNL-Tonopah, and Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). An overall report summarizing the validation results will be completed following the LANL review.

Design Basis Threat (DBT): A dry run of the Site Technology and Defense Doctrine Analysis (STaDDA) process was conducted in Germantown, MD, this week (September 27 - October 1) in support of the SSA initiative to identify enhancements of protection strategies and technological solutions to implement recently issued DBT guidance. The STaDDA protocols include the use of a menu of technological solutions that have the potential to reduce risk without solely relying on manpower-intensive measures.

Chemical -Biological (Chem-Bio) Agent Special Review: Continued the development of the special review plan with the Office of Emergency Management (OA-30). The first location chosen for data collection in support of this special review is the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). Onsite scoping activities are scheduled to be conducted. The results of this special review may impact the implementation of current protection strategies across the Department.

Secretarial Initiatives: Continued work on Management Challenge #6 (Oversight) and Security Initiative #14 (Elite Protective Force). The oversight team continued the development of a final report. The elite protective force team continued development of pros and cons for new models to manage the protective force as contractor or federal workforce. Both of these efforts are scheduled to be completed by October 15.

Basic Security Police Officer Training Special Review: Analysis continued of the data collected during visits to the National Training Center (NTC), Pantex, Nevada Test Site (NTS), and the Lawrence Livermore and Los Alamos National Laboratories (LLNL & LANL, respectively). The draft report is scheduled to be ready for management review by October 29. The final report is scheduled to be released in January 2005.

Nuclear Materials Management and Safeguards System (NMMSS) Database Working Group: Analysis of the information collected from previous meetings continued. The next meeting of the task force is scheduled for the week of October 11. A briefing to SSA management is scheduled for October 18. This working group is assessing the current capabilities of NMMSS and will provide recommendations to SSA management regarding enhancements needed to meet DOE material control and accountability (MC&A) program and post-9/11 national security requirements.

Composite Adversary Team (CAT) Training: Onsite planning activities were conducted at Camp Pendleton, CA, this week (September 27 - October 1) in support of the scheduled training. Work continued on development of the training plan and schedule.

Multiple Integrated Laser Equipment System (MILES) Gear Testing: Preparations continued for protective force team members to conduct function and maintenance testing of all MILES weapons. The tests are a necessary support function for future force-on-force exercises.

Safeguards and Security Lessons Learned: Preparation of a lessons learned report continued this week. Topic teams are reviewing inspection results for the last two years. The intended audience for this report is program and site security managers. The draft report is scheduled for management review by December 15.

Document Control Center (DCC) Expansion: Installation of additional alarm sensors for the expanded portion of the document control center is scheduled to be completed by next week. Once completed, the document control center will be reconfigured for more efficient operations.

Explosives Modeling Training: A physical security specialist is scheduled to attend this training at the Sandia National Laboratories-New Mexico (SNL-NM). The training will focus on the Access Delay Knowledge Base System (ADBKS). The ability to use ACDKS will enhance the ability to evaluate site vulnerability analysis processes and to enhance planning of force-on-force performance tests.

Headquarters' Security Officer's Meeting: The OA Security Officer is scheduled to participate in this week's meeting of Headquarters' security officers. The meeting is expected to include clarification of local policies regarding the generation and protection of CREM.

National Training Center (NTC) Meeting: The Director, OA-10, participated in discussions at the NTC, Albuquerque, NM, this week (September 27-30). The discussions regarded protective force training facilities and the permanent assignment of the Composite Adversary Team (CAT) members at the center. This item is completed.

Office of Cyber Security Evaluations (OA-20)

Southwestern Power Administration (SWPA) Unclassified Cyber Security Inspection: Preparations continued in support of this inspection. Onsite data collection activities are scheduled.

Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Cyber Security Inspection: Validation and closeout activities were conducted in Portland, OR, this week (September 27-30).

National Security Information Systems Annual Evaluation: The final evaluation report of IN systems was completed this week (September 27 - October 1). Distribution is scheduled for next week (October 4-8). The final report for other Departmental elements' classified information systems security program was distributed this week. The Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) requires each agency to develop an annual evaluation of the security of their information systems. OA-20 is responsible for conducting independent oversight of cyber security programs within DOE and to develop annual evaluations of classified information systems to meet FISMA requirements.

Support to Office of Science (SC) Review of Cyber Security: SC is conducting reviews of cyber security at DOE Science sites. The reviews consist of teleconferenced presentations by the site to SC regarding the site cyber security programs. OA and the Office of the CIO have been requested by SC to attend the presentations and provide technical assistance of the material presented. A review of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) was conducted this week (September 30). A review of the Stanford Linear Accelerator Facility (SLAF) has been rescheduled for October 14.

Office of Emergency Management Oversight (OA-30)

Chemical -Biological (Chem-Bio) Agent Special Review: Continued the development of the special review plan with the Office of Emergency Management (OA-30). The first location chosen for data collection in support of this special review is the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). Onsite scoping activities are scheduled to be conducted. The results of this special review may impact the implementation of current protection strategies across the Department.

Argonne National Laboratory-West (ANL-W) Emergency Management Targeted Review: Planning continued in support of this inspection. Onsite data collection activities are scheduled. Coordination is ongoing with NE, ID, INEEL, SC, CH, and ANL-W. The scope of the review will include ensuring emergency management program effectiveness is maintained during the transition of line management roles, responsibilities, and authorities between SC and NE.

Emergency Management Site Characterization Visits: Planning continued in support of visits to three sites scheduled. The sites are: Albany Research Center (ARC), Albany, OR; Sandia National Laboratories - California (SNL-CA); and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). The purpose of the visits to ARC and SNL-CA is to obtain a better understanding of the sites emergency management programs. The purpose of the LLNL visit is to obtain information on the handling of chemical/biological agents in support of an inspection planed for 2005. The visits are being coordinated with the appropriate program and site office personnel.

Savannah River Site (SRS) Emergency Management Corrective Action Plan (CAP): The SR Site Office forwarded two options to EM regarding a path forward that would address OA and NA-40 concerns regarding chemical screening processes. OA is developing a formal response to EM addressing the two options.

Office of Environment, Safety, and Health (ES&H) Evaluations (OA-40)

Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Special Safety Assistance Review: Onsite assistance activities were concluded this week. The purpose of this review is to assist the facility to enhance safety and restart facilities / operations. A memo-type report will be developed regarding activities and accomplishments.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory ES&H Inspection: Onsite planning activities were conducted this week (September 27 - October1). Onsite data collection activities are scheduled.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory ES&H Corrective Action Plan (CAP): Awaiting an approved CAP from the site. The CAP is due by October 18.

ORNL Occupational Medical Program Recertification: Results of the recertification are expected by the end of October.

Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB) Recommendation 2004-1, Oversight of Complex, High-Hazard Nuclear Operations: Continued to provide support to develop an implementation plan for this recommendation.

DOE Order 414.1C, Quality Assurance Review: The draft order is being reviewed and comments will be entered into the REVCOM as appropriate.

Pollution Prevention (P2) Goals Face-to-Face Meeting: A staff member participated in this meeting this week (September 28 29) at the Argonne National Laboratory office in Washington, DC. This item is completed.

National Training Center (NTC) Meeting: The Director, OA-40, participated in discussions at the NTC, Albuquerque, NM, this week. The discussions regarded safety training facilities and curricula. This item is completed.

Kansas City Plant (KCP) Corrective Action Plan (CAP): Comments regarding the corrective actions have been prepared and submitted for approval. This item is completed.