Highlights for July 26 - July 30, 2004

Activities Underway

Office of Safeguards and Security Evaluations (OA-10)

Control and Accountability of Classified Removable Electronic Media (CREM)pecial Review: Work continues with SO on strategies to strengthen DOE/NNSA's control and accountability for classified removable electronic media and for supporting validation of CREM inventories at DOE field sites. This work is being coordinated with NNSA and the Secretary's staff and is in A small team conducted a special review of the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) concerning a recent failure to maintain accountability for classified computer media. The team's conclusions and recommendations are being developed and will be provided to senior DOE and laboratory managers. response to continuing failures to properly control and account for classified matter. The Department's response to results of this incident has resulted in new CREM protection requirements. this review could impact ongoing contract negotiations.

OA Control and Accountability for CREM: Actions are underway to meet new Secretarial requirements for the storage, control and accountability of CREM. This includes the movement of an additional security container to the OA DCC, updating the accountability database, and revising DCC procedures.

Protective Force Secretarial Initiative: Department of Defense job task analyses for special operations forces are being analyzed and compared to the DOE job task analysis for security police officers to identify best practices which can be used to enhance DOE protective force training.

Nevada Test Site (NTS) Safeguards and Security and Emergency Management Combined Review: Coordination for completed large scale force-on-force exercises and other data collection activities continues. activities in Las Vegas and at the test site. Protection program strengths and weaknesses were identified during these activities. Coordination of the force on force test, table top exercises and planning for other data collection were also completed. The next site visit, to include force-on-force performance testing, final on-site phase of the inspection is scheduled. The classified cyber security inspection of NTS scheduled for August 2004 has been postponed.

Office of Cyber Security Evaluations (OA-20)

Annual Evaluation of DOE National Security Information Systems: The Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) requires each agency to develop an annual evaluation of the security of their information systems. OA-20 has the responsibility to conduct independent oversight of cyber security programs within DOE and to develop annual evaluations of classified information systems to meet FISMA requirements. Based on independent oversight activities conducted during fiscal year 2004, OA-20 is developing an annual evaluation report for classified computers containing intelligence-related information belonging to Office of Intelligence (IN) and an annual evaluation report for classified information systems managed by other Departmental elements. The report for IN managed systems is scheduled to be submitted to IN by mid-August. The report for other Departmental elements is due in September.

Unclassified Cyber Security Inspection of the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (TJNAF): OA-20 completed an inspection of the TJNAF unclassified cyber security program. Comments on the preliminary draft inspection report have been received and addressed. A final draft inspection report has been transmitted to TJNAF for review. A briefing for Office of Science managers is scheduled for this week (July 30).

Cyber Security Inspection at the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA): An unclassified cyber security inspection will be performed. Most requested documentation has been received and is being reviewed.

Cyber Security Inspection at the Nevada Test Site (NTS): The classified cyber security inspection of NTS has been postponed.

Office of Emergency Management Oversight (OA-30)

Inspection of Environment, Safety and Health and Emergency Management at the Savannah River Site Office (SRS): OA's comments on the interim corrective action plan (CAP), identifying that the proposed corrective actions to address deficiencies in the site's hazardous material screening process, were not incorporated into the final CAP. The final CAP was approved by the Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management (EM-1). OA, in coordination with the Office of Emergency Operations (NA-40), formally requested that Savannah Operations Office modify the final CAP. EM has agreed to resubmit the CAP, work with NA-40 to understand how other DOE sites conduct hazards surveys and screening, complete the process at SRS to include all chemicals of potential concern, and to await completion of this process prior to determining if any additional chemicals need to be incorporated into the site's operational emergency hazardous material program. In addition, NA-40 is working on a revision of current requirements to clarify criteria for screening chemical hazardous materials. SP and OA, in coordination with NA, will evaluate the revised corrective action plan and, as warranted, continue to address its concerns at each level of line management.

Brookhaven National Laboratory Emergency Management Targeted Review: OA provided comments to the interim corrective action plan July 9. The final corrective action plan is expected by July 30.

Hanford Site Emergency Management Targeted Review: The Interim Corrective Action Plan is due within 30 days of receipt of the final report issued on June 29.

Argonne National Laboratory-West (ANL-W) Emergency Management Targeted Review: OA-30 has begun planning with the ANL-W DOE site manager. Conference calls with inspection points of contact from NE, ID, INEEL, SC, CH, and ANL-W are being scheduled. An on-site scoping visit is planned. The scope of the review will include ensuring emergency management program effectiveness is maintained during the transition of line management roles, responsibilities, and authorities between SC and NE.

Nevada Test Site (NTS) Safeguards and Security and Emergency Management Combined Review: OA-30 data collection activities have been completed and the draft report will be reviewed by the Quality Review Board next week (August 1). The OA-10 and 30 pilot of combined security and emergency management performance testing will be conducted in the next phase of inspection activities. The purpose of these exercises is to develop protocols to be used for future combined performance testing. As such, OA-30 is not planning to rate either activity. The first performance activity will be a combined command post tabletop exercise that focuses on how the NTS protective force and selected elements of the NTS emergency response organization respond to a simulated emergency event. The second combined activity will consist of force-on-force performance testing with emergency management objectives.

Office of Environment, Safety, and Health (ES&H) Evaluations (OA-40)

Independent Oversight Investigation of Worker Vapor Exposure and Occupational Medicine Program Allegations at the Hanford Site: On July 29, OA briefed the Deputy Attorney General for Washington State on the results of the OA investigation.

Kansas City Plant ES&H Inspection: An approved corrective action plan is due by September 7th.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory ES&H Inspection: Factual accuracy comments on the draft report have been received and addressed. The report is being finalized.

OA-40 continued to support the Department's effort to address Safety Management Challenges through the efforts of the Safety Management Challenge Task Force.

Los Alamos National Laboratory Special Safety Assistance Review: Following discussions with senior management, OA will conduct a special assistance review in lieu of the ES&H inspection previously scheduled. Teleconferences are ongoing to discuss the upcoming review activities. Onsite planning activities are scheduled. The review will focus on providing constructive recommendations for improving safety processes and their implementation, with emphasis on addressing recurring deficiencies and events.

Ambulatory Health Care Accreditation: Oak Ridge National laboratory applied for re-certification of their occupational medical program and the survey was conducted this week (July 26-27). The Accreditation Association of Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC) conducted a consultative survey for the Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory on July 30. The consultative survey is intended to prepare the site for formal accreditation by the end of 2004.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory ES&H Inspection: Preparations and planning discussions with the site continue in support of the onsite scoping activities.

Activities Completed

Office of Safeguards and Security Evaluations (OA-10)

Validation of CREM Inventories: In conjunction with SO, validated inventories of CREM holdings at DOE Headquarters. These inventories were directed by the Secretary, and are part of a new DOE/NNSA strategy for the control and accountability of classified removable electronic media.e special review

Honeywell Support of Force on Force Exercises: An inventory of all MILES equipment, weapons and ammunition was conducted to assist Honeywell in preparing to support the upcoming force on force exercise at NTS.

DBT Project: OA-10 subject matter experts met with SO and NNSA representatives as part of the overall DBT project to revise the current DBT.