Highlights for August 18-22, 2003

Activities Underway

Office of Safeguards and Security Evaluations (OA-10)

Sandia National Laboratories - New Mexico (SNL-NM) Comprehensive Inspection: Planning activities continue in support of the comprehensive inspection of SNL-NM. Discussions are underway between topic team leaders and site points of contact regarding requested documents and scheduling of inspection activities.

Classified Matter Protection and Control (CMPC) Special Review: The draft special review reports of SNL-NM and the Nevada Test Site have been reviewed by the Quality Review Board and provided to management for approval.

Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL) Inspection: An OA-10 representative is supporting the on-going ES&H and Emergency Management inspection.

Nuclear Material Accounting Steering Committee: An MC&A subject matter expert participated in this week's meeting of the steering committee that resulted in questions by the Assistant Secretaries regarding how to realize savings from the combination of the current materials tracking systems. A meeting of the committee support members is to be held in advance of the next steering committee meeting (prior to the end of September) to develop proposals.

Special Review of PF Management and Capabilities: The review plan and schedule have been developed for approval.

Office of Cyber Security Evaluations (OA-20)

Perimeter Scanning Project: OA-20 personnel, in partnership with the Office of the Chief Information Officer, are conducting a special study (Perimeter Scanning Project) to map and characterize DOE's network perimeter. This effort is to establish a baseline understanding of the magnitude and make-up of DOE computer systems exposed to the Internet in order to improve the Department's protection posture. Testing has been completed for 51 DOE/NNSA sites. All anticipated testing agreements have been signed and testing is pending at remain four sites. A final project report will be issued this fall.

Annual Independent Evaluation of Classified Information System Security: As assigned by DOE Order 205.1, and as required by the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA), OA is preparing an annual evaluation of DOE's classified information system security program. An initial draft of the evaluation report has been prepared and is undergoing management review.

Cyber Security Inspection at the Sandia National Laboratories: Preparations are underway for conducting an announced cyber security inspection of Sandia National Laboratories.

Joint Task Force to Evaluate Causes of the Recent Blackout. As part of the joint United States and Canada joint task force, OA personnel will provide support to an interagency group to evaluate the potential for cyber security causes of the recent large-scale loss of electrical power generation and transmission capabilities. This week, the Director of OA-20 attended several planning and coordination meetings held on this topic.

Office of Emergency Management Oversight (OA-30)

Combined Inspection of the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL): OA-30 and OA-50 have completed the second week of the two week data collection period for the combined environment, safety, and health and emergency management inspection.

Office of Secure Transportation (OST) Emergency Management Inspection: Planning for the scoping visit with OST in Albuquerque has been initiated in preparation for an emergency management inspection.

Inspection of the Oak Ridge Operations Office and East Tennessee Technology Park: OA is reviewing the interim corrective action plan for the emergency management findings in the subject report and will be providing comments to the Offices of Science, Environmental Management, and Oak Ridge Operations this week. The final corrective action plan, addressing the environment, safety, and health and emergency management findings, is due September 8.

Office of Environment, Safety and Health Evaluations (OA-50)

Combined Inspection of the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL): OA-30 and OA-50 have completed the second week of the two week data collection period for the combined environment, safety, and health and emergency management inspection.

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) Inspection: Preparations have started for conducting an ES&H evaluation at PNNL. The office director met with senior PNNL managers on August 18 to discuss the details for the upcoming scoping visit. A detailed evaluation plan will then be developed to guide the onsite data collection.

Yucca Mountain Management Assessment: The scoping visit was completed on August 19-20. This assessment is being conducted at the request of the of the site manager to provide an independent assessment of the effectiveness of their management systems.

Nevada Test Site Special Review Work for Others Program: The scoping visit for this special review was completed on August 21-22. A series of conference calls have been conducted and selected planning documents have been received and are under review. This special review is being conducted at the request of the NTS Site Office Manager to provide an independent assessment of the effectiveness of their ES&H management systems related to the Work for Others Program. The Work for Others Program involves activities being performed by other agencies or private organizations at the site or by DOE organizations on behalf of those agencies and private organizations.

Activities Completed

Office of Safeguards and Security Evaluations (OA-10)

Protective Force Evaluator Training: The explosives breaching techniques training for OA force-on-force evaluators was completed this week. This training will enhance the value and realism of force-on force testing.

Office of Environment, Safety and Health Evaluations (OA-50)

Suspect/Counterfeit Items (S/CI) Special Study: A briefing on the results of the special study was conducted with the DNFSB on August 18.

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