Weekly Highlights for June 23 – 27, 2003


Activities Underway


Office of Safeguards and Security Evaluations (OA-10)


Sandia National Laboratory – New Mexico Special Review:  Data collection activities continue with new issues and concerns being identified.  The results of this special review are likely to identify major issues with regard to security management at SNL-NM.  This review is being conducted following interest expressed by Senator Grassley.  Media Interest is expected.


The OA-10 staff member detailed to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is developing standard operating procedures for the DOE desk at the DHS Emergency Operations Center.


Classified Matter Protection and Control Special Reviews:  The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory CMPC Special Review report was finalized last week and is awaiting management review and approval.


RL/Hanford and PNNL inspection activities:  The draft inspection reports for both PNNL and Hanford were mailed.


Corrective Action Plans:  The response to the interim Savannah River Site CAP is awaiting management review and approval.


Office of Cyber Security Evaluations (OA-20)


Perimeter Scanning Project:  OA-20 personnel in partnership with the Office of the Chief Information Officer are conducting a special study (Perimeter Scanning Project) to map out and characterize DOE’s network perimeter.  This effort is being undertaken to establish a baseline understanding of the magnitude and make-up of DOE computer systems exposed to the Internet in order to improve the Department’s protection posture.  Testing has been completed for 38 DOE sites.  Testing is currently ongoing at several additional sites. 


Special Study of the Security of Wireless Computer Networking:  OA-20 staff have completed the draft of a special study report to describe management and technical issues, and improvement recommendations as they relate to the security of wireless computer networking devices within DOE.  The draft report is undergoing internal management review.  Subsequently, the final daft report will be circulated within DOE for comment prior to publication.


Unannounced Cyber Security Penetration Testing:  OA is developing an unannounced cyber security penetration testing capability to supplement routine announced inspections.  OA-20 has established program documentation and draft agreements that will serve as the basis for the unannounced penetration testing program.  These documents are undergoing management review.  OA-20 anticipates the commencement of unannounced testing during this summer.  Managers at several DOE organizations have volunteered as participants. 


Annual Independent Evaluation of Classified Information System Security:  As assigned by the DOE Order 205.1, and as required by the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA), OA is preparing an annual evaluation of DOE’s classified information system security program.  An analysis of OA cyber security inspection results over the last year is ongoing.  An initial draft of the evaluation report is anticipated in July.


Office of Emergency Management Oversight (OA-30)


Inspection of the East Tennessee Technology Park:  Factual accuracy comments from the site have been incorporated into the draft report.  The final report will be issued early next week.


Inspection of the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL):  OA-30 and OA-50 continue planning for a joint inspection of INEEL.  INEEL planning and inspection scoping discussions are being held routinely with the Office of Nuclear Energy, Science and Technology, the Idaho Operations Office, and with Bechtel BWXT Idaho.  The onsite scoping visit was completed on June 3-5.  Stakeholder input was solicited from site labor organizations, the Snake River Alliance, the Citizens Advisory Board, the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes, the State of Idaho Bureau of Disaster Services, and the State of Idaho INEEL Oversight Program.  A site visit will be conducted to finalize the tabletop performance test packages.


Consideration of Emergency Management Program Special Reviews:  OA-30 is evaluating options to conduct inspections focused on emergency management program elements, long-standing performance weakness, or areas of special interest.  OA-30 staff is developing three alternatives for OA management consideration.


Office of Environment, Safety and Health Evaluations (OA-50)


Sandia National Laboratories – New Mexico Inspection:  The final report was transmitted to the site on April 7.  NNSA has delegated the authority for approval of Sandia Site Office Corrective Action Plans to the site office.  An approved corrective action plan was transmitted to OA on June 11 and is currently being reviewed.


Y-12 National Security Complex Inspection:  The final report was distributed on May 9.  An approved corrective action plan is due on July 7.


East Tennessee Technology Park Inspection:  The draft report was provided to the site on May 22 for a 10-day review period to provide written factual accuracy comments.  The site comments have been received and are under review and consideration prior to issuance of the final report.


Suspect/Counterfeit Items (S/CI) Special Study:  The special study is being conducted in two phases encompassing both the Department’s headquarters and field elements of the S/CI program.  The headquarters phase of the study continues.  Onsite reviews at the Los Alamos National Laboratory and Savannah River Site were completed and visits to the Kansas City Plant and River Protection Project site are ongoing.


Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory Inspection – The inspection plan is being developed.


Activities Completed


Office of Safeguards and Security Evaluations (OA-10)


Composite Adversary Team Training:  CAT training was conducted at NTS this week.

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