Highlights for May 19 – 23, 2003

Activities Underway

Office of Safeguards and Security Evaluations (OA-10)


RL/Hanford and PNNL inspection activities:  Activities to develop the inspection results continue.  Topic teams continue to prepare inspection report appendices to support the final on-site data collection and closeout phase scheduled for June 2-12.


Composite Adversary Team Training:  Prospective attendees are being confirmed and various logistical issues are being resolved in preparation for the scheduled training.


Sandia National Laboratory - New Mexico Special Review:  Initial data collection activities took place this week in support of the special review of SNL-NM security management practices.  Activities included document reviews, interviews of senior managers, and interviews of security program managers and selected protective force members.  The next on-site phase will be conducted as scheduled.


Inspection Briefings:  Briefing slides on the results of the ANL-E and SRS inspections, to support a presentation to EM-1 scheduled for next week, are being developed.


The ANL-W final corrective plan is under review and will be completed next week.


The OA security officer is scheduled to attend SSIMS training June 16-17. 


Office of Cyber Security Evaluations (OA-20)


Perimeter Scanning Project:  OA-20 personnel in partnership with the Office of the Chief Information Officer are conducting a special study (Perimeter Scanning Project) to map out and characterize DOE’s network perimeter.  As part of this initiative, OA-20 is also offering to scan DOE networks for vulnerabilities in order that line management can address weaknesses.  This effort is being undertaken to improve the Department’s protection posture.  Testing has been completed for 34 DOE sites.  Testing is currently ongoing at several additional sites.


Cyber Security Inspection of the Hanford Site and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory:  OA-20 is conducting cyber security inspections at the Hanford Site and the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.  Data collection activities have been completed.  The initial drafts of the inspection reports have been prepared.  This is part of a combined Safeguards and Security and Cyber Security Inspection.


Special Study of the Security of Wireless Computer Networking:  OA-20 is preparing a special study report to describe policy and technical issues as they relate to the security of wireless computer networking devices within DOE.  An initial draft of the special study is undergoing management review.


Unannounced Penetration Testing:  OA-20 has updated program documentation and draft agreements for an unannounced penetration testing program.  These documents are undergoing management review.  OA-20 anticipates the commencement of unannounced testing during this summer.  Managers at several DOE organizations have volunteered as participants. 


Office of Emergency Management Oversight (OA-30)


East Tennessee Technology Park Inspection:  OA-30 and OA-50 have completed the onsite phase of the inspection of the East Tennessee Technology Park.  The initial draft report was provided to line management at the closeout on May 22.  Final validation comments are due within ten working days.


Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory Inspection:  OA-30 and OA-50 continue planning for a joint inspection of INEEL.  INEEL planning and inspection scoping discussions are being held routinely with the Office of Nuclear Energy, Science and Technology, the Idaho Operations Office, and with Bechtel BWXT Idaho.  The onsite scoping visit will be conducted as scheduled.


OA-30 is evaluating options to conduct inspections focused on emergency management program elements or performance weakness previously identified during several site-specific inspections.  Input on inspection focus areas is being solicited from Field and Headquarters line management, as well as the Office of Emergency Management.


Office of Environment, Safety and Health Evaluations (OA-50)


Sandia National Laboratories – New Mexico Inspection:  The final report was transmitted to the site on April 7.  An approved corrective action plan (CAP) is due within 60 calendar days.  An interim CAP on the emergency management findings was provided to OA for review and comment.


Y-12 National Security Complex Inspection:  The final report was distributed on May 9.  An approved corrective action plan is due within 60 calendar days.


East Tennessee Technology Park Inspection:  The team completed the site validation and closeout.  The draft report was provided to the site on May 22 for a 10-day review period to provide written factual accuracy comments.  This is a combined review with OA-30 where OA-30 has the overall lead.


Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory Inspection:  Planning for the combined ES&H and Emergency Management inspection at INEEL is progressing as scheduled.  The Director of OA-50 is participating with the Director of OA-30 (Team Leader) in regularly scheduled conference calls with the site.


AAAHC:  The Sandia National Laboratories-California application for accreditation to the AAAHC was accepted and approved.  The accreditation survey is scheduled for May 29-30.


Suspect/Counterfeit Items (S/CI) Special Study:  The special study will be conducted in two phases encompassing both the Department’s headquarters and field elements of the S/CI program.  The headquarters phase of the study continues.  Planning continues for the field element phase.


Activities Completed


Office of Safeguards and Security Evaluations (OA-10)


CMPC Special Reviews:  Management has approved the ANL-E and LLNL special review reports and they have been dispatched. 


The ANL-E draft inspection report was finalized and has been provided to management for approval.


Comments on DOE O 470.1A, Safeguards and Security Program, were developed and provided to management for approval.


EH has completed its review and removal of documents from the DCC.


Office of Emergency Management Oversight (OA-30)


OA-30 has updated the Emergency Management Oversight Appraisal Process Guide.  The March 2003 edition reflects the requirements of DOE Order 470.2B and establishes an inspection records management process.  The guide is available on the OA website.


Office of Environment, Safety and Health Evaluations (OA-50)


DOE Order 341.1, Federal Employee Health Services, has been reviewed and comments were provided through Revcom.


DOE Manual 231.1-2 has been reviewed and comments were provided through Revcom.


Management and staff participated in a shelter in place drill on May 20.

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