Highlights for January 13 - 17, 2003

Activities Underway

Office of Safeguards and Security Evaluations (OA-10)

SRS Comprehensive Inspection: Document reviews, Headquarters interviews, and inter and intra topic team coordination continues this week in preparation for the data collection phase of the SRS comprehensive inspection.

LANL Comprehensive Inspection: Factual accuracy comments on the safeguards and security topics are due January 17. Preparation of the final report is scheduled to be completed the week of January 27.

ANL-W/CH Comprehensive Inspection: Awaiting submission of the interim corrective action plans due January 31

CMPC Special Reviews: Comments on the draft LANL special CMPC review report are due January 28. Work has begun on the schedule for future special reviews.

OA-10 continues to review a draft of the new Design Basis Threat.

Work continues on a presentation for the annual Security Education Workshop, April 1-2, 2003.

Office of Cyber Security Evaluations (OA-20)

Cyber Security Evaluation of the Savannah River Site: OA-20 personnel conducted a scoping visit at SRS during the week of January 6. Coordination with site cyber security personnel is ongoing to schedule specific inspection activities. A performance test agreement has been completed.

Perimeter Scanning Project: OA-20 personnel have initiated a special study (Perimeter Scanning Project) to map and identify vulnerabilities in DOE computer networks exposed to potential attack from the Internet. Vulnerability testing has been completed for 22 DOE sites. Testing is currently ongoing at four additional sites. Discussions are ongoing with a number of additional sites to coordinate testing activities. A meeting with CIO representatives is scheduled for the week of January 20 to review the status of the project. Reports will be prepared for each site to summarize scanning results for site and program line management.

Office of Emergency Management Oversight (OA-30)

OA-30 and OA-50 are continuing to plan for an inspection of Sandia National Laboratories-New Mexico. Onsite data collection is scheduled

OA-30 is conducting a scoping visit this week for an inspection of the Office of Secure Transportation Asset (NA-14) emergency management program. The site visit for the data collection phase has been scheduled.

OA-30 and OA-10 will be sharing perspectives and exploring opportunities for combining elements of emergency management and security within inspection performance tests.

OA-30 is developing an approach for a “Summary Report of Emergency Management Program Status.” Inspection data collected from 2000-2002 is being reviewed and analyzed. The results will provide the status of key sites since the OA 1999 follow-up report and provide insight for future inspection activities.

OA-30 will be proposing a series of Headquarters emergency response exercises. These exercises are currently being planned. Coordination with impacted line program and support offices will be occurring in January.

Office of Management and Information Resources (OA-40)


Office of Environment, Safety and Health Evaluations (OA-50)

A corrective action plan for the Pantex Environment, Safety, Health and Emergency Management Inspection has been requested.

A formal report on the re-accreditation survey for the Brookhaven National Laboratory occupational medical program from the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC) accreditation committee is expected by the end of January.

Team planning for the Sandia National Laboratories-New Mexico safety and emergency management inspection was initiated on January 13, 2003. Onsite inspection activities are scheduled.

Coordination of the upcoming safety management inspection at the Y-12 National Nuclear Security Complex continues.

An OA-50 annual report is being developed to summarize trends and observations from ES&H reviews since the formation of OA-50.

Activities Completed

Office of Safeguards and Security Evaluations (OA-10)

CAT training was completed at Camp Pendleton, CA.

Final CMPC Special Reports for Y-12 and CH/ANL-W have been distributed.

Office of Cyber Security Evaluations (OA-20)

Cyber Security Evaluation of the Chicago Operations Office: OA-20 personnel conducted a review of the corrective action plan developed by the Chicago Operations Office in response to findings identified during a September 2002 inspection. The review found that the proposed corrective action plan represents an appropriate response to the identified findings.

Cyber Security Evaluation of the Los Alamos National Laboratory: The OA-20 Director has completed briefings for DOE line and support organizations on the draft inspection report. Additionally, a briefing was provided to congressional representatives of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight.

Office of Emergency Management Oversight (OA-30)


Office of Management and Information Resources (OA-40)


Office of Environment, Safety and Health Evaluations (OA-50)

The interim corrective action plan for the Nevada Test Site inspection was received with comments on the ES&H volume provided to the site. All of the inspection findings have been entered into CATS.

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