Weekly Highlights for August 19 - 23, 2002


Activities Underway


Office of Safeguards and Security Evaluations (OA-10)


OTS/AL Comprehensive Inspection:  preparations for the planning meeting have been completed, and the FOF test director and deputy test director have completed the final preparations for associated performance tests.


CMPC Special Reviews:  The Headquarters and SNL-NM draft reports have been reviewed by OA management and by site personnel.  The reports will be put into final format next week and will be forwarded to management for approval.


ANL-W Comprehensive Inspection:  The team resource list was finalized, hotel accommodations are in the contract phase, and work has begun on the Team memo and the computer security support memo.


Deployment of additional work stations and relocation of the servers for the OA classified LAN is scheduled to commence once the system’s engineer has reviewed the system architecture and developed system security and test documentation.


Coordination between OA-10 and AL concerning the final Pantex CAP has resulted in a commitment from AL to submit revised final plans by August 30.


MC&A Topic Initiatives:  The MC&A team has developed two tabletop exercises to be used during the ANL-W inspection.


Updated information on the status of corrective actions has been provided so that the CAP Status Book can be revised by August 30.


Action to modify the OA-10/Eagle Research-developed BATLE neutralization computer code continues.


Office of Cyber Security and Special Reviews (OA-20)


OA-20 is continuing with AL/OTS planning, including:

-Review of the document call

-PTA sent to AL ISOM for signature

-Conference call with AL personnel for scoping


OA-20 is continuing to migrate the OA-20 portal to a permanent hardware platform.


OA-20 continues to support OA-10’s Secure LAN development.


OA-20 is continuing to work on the PSP project data/dictionary database.


Office of Emergency Management Oversight (OA-30)


OA-30 and OA-50 continue to plan for the combined review at the Nevada Test Site that will begin September 9.  A scoping visit is scheduled for August 27–28.


OA-30 is in the initial stages of planning for an evaluation of the Office of Transportation Safeguards corrective action for emergency response to address the Judgment of Need from the Accident Investigation Report, dated June 1999, of Special Agent Fatality at Southeast Courier Section.  As part of the Type A investigation, OA-30 is specifically tasked to schedule an evaluation of the corrective action taken within 90 days of line management verification.


OA-30 and OA-50 continue to plan for the combined review at Pantex.  The scoping visit is planned for the week of August 26.


Office of Environment, Safety and Health Evaluations (OA-50)


OA-50 staff will revise the report that analyzes independent environmental protection program assessments that have been conducted at DOE facilities over the past several years.


The scoping visit for the safety and emergency management inspection at Pantex will occur August 26-30.  An OAK explosives expert will supplement the Pantex inspection team.


Comments on the revised DOE Order 470.2B, “Independent Oversight and Performance Assurance Program” were received from the FMC.  Meetings are being scheduled with various organizations to seek final resolution.


The Corrective Action Plan (CAP) for the Hanford (PFR specific) safety management inspection was disapproved by EM-1 in a memorandum dated August 19, 2002.  The CAP is to be revised and resubmitted within 30 days of aforementioned memorandum.


A final corrective action plan for the ANL-East safety and emergency management inspection has been requested.  The final corrective action plan is due on August 27.


Printing of the final report of the safety and emergency management inspection at LLNL is underway.  The accompanying memorandum for report distribution is final, and mailing should occur at the end of this week or early next week.


Coordination of the upcoming safety and emergency management inspection at NTS continues.


Report comments and a preliminary CAP for the WIPP safety and emergency management inspection are due to OA by September 3, 2002.


OA has requested an overall schedule of activities and copies of completed reports regarding the status of line actions taken to address the DNFSB concerns on the effectiveness of ISM for BJC activities at ORO.  Many of the documents have been recovered, but an overall schedule is yet to be provided.  A follow-up meeting will be scheduled upon receipt of all of the requested documents.


Activities Completed


Office of Safeguards and Security Evaluations (OA-10)


OA-10 subject matter experts that have participated in the NNSA site analysis initiative have provided their observations based on work done at LANL and OTS to management.


Drafted a response to SO on their progress to address OA concerns about the revised DBT.


The OA-10 Office Director participated in an executive council meeting of the Safeguards and Security Management Integration Team meeting on ISSM.


RFETS interim CAP response memo was approved and dispatched.


Office of Emergency Management Oversight (OA-30)


The on-site data collection phase of the OA-30 and OA-50 review at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant was completed August 9.  The draft report was validated and provided to line management during the week of August 19.


Office of Environment, Safety and Health Evaluations (OA-50)


Close out and validation activities following the safety and emergency management inspection at WIPP were completed on August 21, 2002.


AAAHC re-accreditation of the Brookhaven National Laboratory is scheduled for December 12-13, 2002.


Mike Gilroy completed a 36 Hour Environmental Management Systems Lead Auditor Class on July 19, 2002.