Highlights for February 4 - 8, 2002

Activities Underway

Office of Safeguards and Security Evaluations (OA-10)

The LLNL inspection on-site planning and data collection activities (February 4-8) have been initiated. Coordination on the force-on-force performance tests continues.

Coordination has been finalized for the initial data collection at LLNL in support of the special study concerning the clearance adjudication process. Interviews at other Federal agencies have been scheduled for February 13, 19, and 20. A product is due to the Secretary no later than June 2002.

A revised Special Access Oversight Program implementation plan has been provided to SO to clarify roles and responsibilities. Work is underway on the development of a security plan and security procedures to support future inspection activities. The inaugural OA inspection of a special access program has been tentatively scheduled for February or March 2002.

OA-10 is on schedule to participate in the evaluation of Savannah River Site performance tests.

Work has begun on the development of guidance to facility officers to assist them in updating the CAP Status Book.

Work continues on a presentation on the independent inspection process for an upcoming meeting, in February 2002, of the American Society of Quality.

Configuration and data loading of the "Access" database designed to provide additional query capabilities for tracking and analysis of safeguards and security policy issues is ongoing.

Office of Cyber Security Evaluations (OA-20)

OA-20 continues an external network security assessment of a DOE site. An external network security assessment consists of scanning to identify vulnerabilities associated with the external perimeter of the site's network and modems, penetration testing, firewall rules review, and intrusion detection evaluation.

Office of Emergency Management Oversight (OA-30)

OA-30 has completed data collection activities for the Headquarters facilities emergency response review. A draft final report will be issued at a closeout briefing for the Office of Management, Budget and Evaluation and the Office of Security on February 15.

OA-30 and OA-50 are continuing dialogues with the Chicago Operations Office, the Argonne Area Office, and the Argonne National Laboratory-East. On-site scoping will be held the week of February 25. A coordination meeting is being planned with the program office, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, SC-10.

OA-30 and OA-50 continue planning efforts for the combined Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) review to be conducted in March 2002. A planning visit to LANL to orchestrate the emergency management performance tests that will be conducted during this review is scheduled for the week of March 4.

Office of Environment, Safety and Health Evaluations (OA-50)

Discussion continues between the Director of OA-50 and various site managers on the Augmentation Program.

OA-50 and Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC) staff completed the survey portion of the LANL occupational medical program re-accreditation process on January 28-29, 2002. Information collected during the site visit has been forwarded to the AAAHC accreditation committee and a decision concerning recertification is expected in 4 to 6 weeks.

Efforts are continuing to revise the ES&H Appraisal Process Guide to make it compatible with OA ES&H mission and directives including DOE O 470.2A and OA management direction. A draft report has been compiled and is being reviewed by OA-50 management.

OA-50 staff is continuing its efforts to draft a supplemental ES&H protocol to include additional interfaces with NNSA for appraisal activities at NNSA sites.

OA-50 staff is continuing coordination activities with EH on ISM policies, guides, FRAM, QA Order, ORR Order, and AI Order.

OA-50 has completed modification of DOE Order 470.2A to reflect transfer of ES&H from EH to OA and RevCom process has been initiated. The Director, OA-50 and Deputy Director,

OA-1, will meet with the managers from key organizational areas in the next few weeks to discuss the proposed revision.

Team planning for the Hanford Focused Safety Management began on January 16. The evaluation plan was approved and transmitted to the site on January 18. The team arrived at the site on January 28 to conduct the onsite portion of the evaluation.

OA-50 staff is continuing coordination activities with Los Alamos Site Office and LANL on safety and emergency management evaluation planning activities. A return site visit with selected OA-30 staff members is tentatively planned for March 4-5, 2002, to coordinate and finalize table-top emergency performance tests, discussion of selection of the safety system, and other informational team needs, as warranted.

OA-50 criticality expert continues to support/participate in the Criticality Safety Support (VCSSG). Activities include guidance on critical experiments and interpretation of results.

A conference call was held on February 6 to continue planning for the February 26-28 scoping visit at Argonne National Laboratory-East. In the next few weeks, OA-50 and OA-30 plan to conduct a planning meeting with SC-10 to get their input on the scope of the evaluation.

The Director of OA-50 continues to work with an ERG representative on ES&H performance metrics.

OA-50 responded to two requests for information from external Federal agencies. The Agency for Toxic Substances Disease Registry and Center for Disease Control staff requested additional information concerning studies mentioned in the October 2000 East Tennessee Technology Park report and the February 2000 PGDP Phase II report.

Activities Completed

Office of Safeguards and Security Evaluations (OA-10)

Management has approved the DOE executive protection program report and the report has been copied and distributed.

Office of Cyber Security Evaluations (OA-20)

OA-20 conducted a planning visit February 4 - 8, 2002, at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) and the Oakland Operations Office (OAK). The LLNL and OAK inspections are scheduled for February 25 - March 8, 2002.

OA-20 briefed Congressional staff from the Oversight and Investigation Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee on the results of the DOE Headquarters cyber security inspection conducted in November 2001.

Office of Environment, Safety and Health Evaluations (OA-50)

Revisions to 11 DOE Orders and 1 DOE Manual have been completed and have been submitted to ME following coordination with EH.

The Kansas City Plant Focused Review of ES&H and Emergency Management report was published on January10, 2002. Distribution of the report was completed on January 23, 2002. A briefing was conducted with the DNFSB on January 11.

The OA-50 Director met with Laurence Williams, Director of Nuclear Safety, Chief Inspector of Nuclear Installations for the Nuclear Safety Directorate and Michael Jeal, Inspector on January 25 to discuss performance metrics, and other items of mutual interest in support of a management exchange between the NII and OA.

OA-50 staff completed the ORNL Health Services Division follow up report and sent it to the Oak Ridge Operations Office for a validation review. Comments were received and the report is being finalized.

The ORNL Health Services Division follow-up report was published on January 30, 2002. Action Plans concerning the single finding will be due by April 4, 2002.

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