Highlights for January 14 – January 18, 2002

Activities Underway

Office of Safeguards and Security Evaluations (OA-10)

The review of the Headquarters preliminary corrective action plans continues. Work has begun to finalize the Headquarters inspection reports.

Planning actions in support of the LLNL comprehensive inspection have included the development of document request lists and initial contact with site personnel. A team will travel to LLNL next week to continue preparations for force on force performance testing.

A presentation was made to the OA Director on proposed metrics to measure safeguards and security performance.

The draft evaluation plan for a special study concerning the clearance adjudication process has been developed and forwarded to management. Interviews at Headquarters are scheduled to be conducted January 23-31. These interviews are to be followed by field data collection activities. A product is due to the Secretary no later than June 2002.

Preparations continue in support of upcoming Special Access Program inspections.

Various actions are underway for a special review of DOE executive protection program. Data collection will take place January 28-February 1. This special review is being conducted in response to an IG inquiry.

A team of two individuals will participate in the evaluation of performance tests (March 2002) at the Savannah River Site in response to a request from the SR Operations Office Manager.

Plans for the production of the Systems Performance Effectiveness Video is on schedule. OA staff will travel to Hanford for filming January 21-25, 2002.

Recommendations are being developed to enhance the updating of the CAP Status Book.

Work continues on a presentation on the independent inspection process for an upcoming meeting (February 2002) of the American Society of Quality.

Office of Cyber Security Evaluations (OA-20)

OA-20 held an office workshop on January 17, 2002 to resolve comments on its Draft Technical Standard Operating Procedures (TSOP). The TSOP will be finalized in mid-February 2002. In addition, training was conducted on OA-20’s new Appraisal Process Guide.

Office of Emergency Management Oversight (OA-30)

OA-30 has completed scoping interviews with SO-40, ME, and SO in preparation for the Headquarters facilities emergency response focused review scheduled to begin January 28. A final review plan and document call was issued January 17. Data collection activities will be conducted January 28 - February 8.

OA-30 and OA-50 has initiated contact with the Office of Science regarding the ANL-E combined review. Beginning the week of January 21, planning conference calls will be conducted with the Chicago Operations Office. On-site scoping will be held the week of February 25.

Office of Environment, Safety and Health Evaluations (OA-50)

OA-50 managers and staff continue to refine the proposal for 2003 scope.

OA-50 staff completed the ORNL Health Services Division follow up report and sent it to the Oak Ridge Operations Office for a validation review. Comments were received and the report is being finalized.

Efforts are continuing to revise the ES&H Appraisal Process Guide to make it compatible with the OA S&H mission and directives including DOE O 470.2A and OA management directions. A draft report has been compiled and is being reviewed by OA-50 management.

The Kansas City Plant Focused Review of ES&H and Emergency Management report was issued January10, 2002. A briefing was conducted with the DNFSB on January 11.

OA-50 staff is continuing its efforts to draft a supplemental ES&H protocol to include additional interfaces with NNSA for appraisal activities at NNSA sites.

OA-50 staff is continuing coordination activities with EH on ISM policies, guides, FRAM, QA Order, ORR Order, and AI Order.

OA-50 has completed modification of DOE Order 470.2A to reflect transfer of ES&H from EH to OA and has requested that ME post this directive on RevCom system for agency-wide coordination.

OA-50 Director, Deputy Director (team leader) and key team members conducted the Hanford Focused Safety Management Evaluation Scoping Visit on December 11-13. Initial plans were to focus on the Spent Nuclear Fuels project. However, based on discussion with the Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management and the Manager of the Richland Operations Office, the scope was revised to include PFP. Team planning began on January 16.

In coordination with OA-30, OA-50 conducted a scoping visit for the LANL Focused Safety and Emergency Management Evaluation. Next step is to develop a detailed evaluation plan. Additional discussions and review of supplemental information is needed to further focus some aspects of the team's scope, particularly in the vital systems functional review aspects. We plan to continue periodic telecon discussions to coordinate OA and site planning activities and team document needs for the March evaluation. A return short duration site visit, with selected team members, is anticipated prior to the onsite March evaluation period to coordinate and finalize table-top emergency performance tests and other informational team needs, as warranted.

OA-50 criticality expert continues to support/participate in the Criticality Safety Support Group (CSSG). Activities include guidance on critical experiments and interpretation of results.

EH-50 in coordination with EH-30 met with SC-83 to discuss the upcoming OA Evaluation at ANL-E. A conference call has been scheduled with CH (contractor and Area Office) for next Wednesday to discuss and initiate planning for the February 26-28, 2002 scoping visit. In the next few weeks we plan to conduct a planning meeting with SC-10 to get their input on scope.

Activities Completed

Office of Safeguards and Security Evaluations (OA-10)

Participated in the conduct of the OA Inspection Process Workshop.

Two members of the OA-10 staff conducted a visit to LLNL (January 7-10) in preparation for upcoming performance testing associated with a scheduled comprehensive inspection.

Office of Cyber Security Evaluations (OA-20)

A briefing was provided to a Congressional staff member from the House Energy and Commerce Committee on OA’s Y-12 assessment.

Office of Emergency Management Oversight (OA-30)

OA-30 has completed a revision to the Emergency Management Oversight Appraisal Process Guide, January 2002, protocol to enhance documentation record keeping to align with the final OA record retention protocols.

Office of Environment, Safety and Health Evaluations (OA-50)

OA-50 staff attended and key staff members provided presentations at the OA Appraisal Process Workshop held on January 14 and 15, 2002, at the Crystal Gateway Marriott.

Revisions to 11 DOE orders and 1 DOE Manual have been completed and have been submitted to ME following coordination with EH.

An OA-50 staff member participated in the 19th Biannual Pollution Prevention Hands-on Training Technology Workshop on January 15-17, 2002 in San Diego, California.

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