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Former Camp Ibis - Post-Closure Activities Print
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Post-Closure Activities
As a result of the military training exercises conducted at Camp Ibis, residual military munitions and ordnance remained on the property when the camp was closed. The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) conducted surface clearance operations on the site between 1945 and 1954 to remove UXO. The Camp Ibis site became part of the Formerly Used Defense Site (FUDS) program in 1994.

Characterization and evaluation studies at the site completed by the USACE in 1996 and 2004 indicated an overall low to moderate explosive safety risk factor, and recommended two appropriate response actions based on the effectiveness, implementation, and cost to safely control the hazards identified for the site. A No DoD Action Indicated (NDAI) response was recommended for areas of low risk, and implementation of Institutional Controls (IC) was recommended for areas of low-to-moderate and moderate risks.

Field activities in Sector C-3 of the Camp during the recent EE/CA found and removed one high-explosive projectile and 93 land mines, some of which contained live spotting charges. An Action Memorandum developed on the basis of the Final EE/CA Report (2004) proposed a number of institutional controls as a response to the assessed status of the site. The current project will implement a modified set of activities and controls based on subsequent negotiations with current landowners and funding limitations.

Image If you find suspicious items that may be military ordnance/munitions, DO NOT TOUCH! Mark the area for identification and call 911 immediately!

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