What's New
NOAA Presence at NASA Dryden Global Hawk Event >> read more
NOAA's Science On a Sphere® Increases Museum Admissions >> read more
NOAA Research Tests On-Demand High Performance Computing and High-Resolution Hurricane Models During 2008 Season >> read more
OAR/NWS Letter of Agreement Signed >> read more
ESRL Forecast Technology Goes Live in Australia >> read more
Science On a Sphere® Touring in France >> read more


Current Conditions

Conditions at DSRC as of
2009-Jan-14 03:45 UTC:
Temperature:  42.2°F
Calculated Dewpoint:  14.5°F
Relative Humidity:  32%
Station Pr:  832.5 mb
24.58 in
Sea Level Pr:  1019.4 mb
30.1 in

More information: Current Conditions

The mission of ESRL's Global Systems Division (GSD) is to conduct research and development to provide NOAA and the Nation with systems that deliver global environmental information and forecast products ranging from short-term weather predictions to longer-term climate forecasts.

Incorporating new findings in atmospheric, oceanic, and hydrologic sciences, these systems are designed to improve our understanding of climate and weather at all time scales through new observation techniques, innovative diagnostic and predictive models, advanced computational analysis, and leading-edge workstation display technology.

These advancements are then transferred to operational weather and climate forecasting services and other users of environmental information.