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About the FY 2006 Outreach Grant Competition

On Nov. 30, 2005, FNS released a request for applications for outreach grants for fiscal year 2006.

The purpose of these grants is to implement and study effective strategies to inform and educate potentially eligible low income people not currently participating in the FSP about the nutrition benefits of the Food Stamp Program, eligibility rules, and how to apply. At least $1 million, contingent upon availability, is available for grant awards under this competition. The maximum grant award is $75,000.

Entities eligible for these outreach grants are private non-profit organizations, including community and faith-based organizations, and public entities with the exception of State and local FSP agencies. Recipients of FNS outreach grants under the “Food Stamp Program Research Grants to Improve Access Through the Use of New Technology and Partnerships” awarded in fiscal year 2001 and 2002, and recipients of FNS Outreach Grants awarded in fiscal years 2004 and 2005 may not apply or participate as sub-grantees to another applicant. (No outreach grants were awarded in fiscal year 2003.) Please read the RFA for more information about who is eligible to apply and who is not.

The due date for optional letters of intent to apply is Jan. 6, 2006.

The due date to submit applications is April 3, 2006. Please read the RFA for more information about the due date and how to submit an application

FY06 Outreach Grant Competition Materials

Dear Interested Party Letter    (.pdf)
Request for Applications (RFA) (.pdf)
Checklist: Application Format (.pdf)
Template I: Technical Proposal Outline (.doc)
Template II: Letter of Acknowledgement from State or local Food Stamp Office (.doc)
Template III: Project Plan Table (.doc)
  Note: To use electronic Templates I, II, and III, right click on the documents, select “Save Target As”, browse to the directory you want to use, and save the document to your computer. Then simply input your information as you would with any Word document.  
  -- USDA Certification Related to Lobbying
-- Form 424, Application for Federal Assistance
-- Form 424A, Budget Information – Non-   construction Programs
-- Form 424B, Assurances – Non-construction Programs
-- Survey on Ensuring Equal Opportunity for Applicants

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions from applicants will be posted here throughout the application period as they accrue. Please check back often for updates.

Q. Are Statewide projects allowable under this grant competition?  (posted 1/4/06)

A.  Statewide projects are not allowable for the following reasons:

  • As noted on p. 2 of the RFA under “Target Populations”, applicants are expected to develop proposals to design and implement a community food stamp outreach and education program for the specified target populations.

  • As noted p. 3 of the RFA under “Allowable Activities”, the focus of these grants is to make sustainable investments in food stamp outreach and to build infrastructure at the local level for ongoing food stamp outreach efforts. The examples of allowable activities clearly specify community-based, community-driven outreach at the ground level.

  • The maximum grant award of $75,000 further indicates that the scope of these projects is small, community based initiatives.

There are other funding options available to support State level initiatives. These are the FSP participation grants in cooperation with State agencies, or working directly with a State as a contractor under an optional outreach plan. Under optional outreach plans, the Federal government reimburses State agencies for 50 percent of the reasonable, allowable, and necessary FSP administrative costs for outreach. FNS expects to announce the 2006 participation grant competition in mid to late January 2006, so interested parties may wish to start checking the web site around that time for more information.

Q. Are Nationwide projects allowable under this grant competition? (posted 1/4/06)

A.  Nationwide projects are not allowable for the following reasons:

  • As noted on p. 2 of the RFA under “Target Populations”, applicants are expected to develop proposals to design and implement a community food stamp outreach and education program for the specified target populations.

  • As noted p. 3 of the RFA under “Allowable Activities”, the focus of these grants is to make sustainable investments in food stamp outreach and to build infrastructure at the local level for ongoing food stamp outreach efforts. The examples of allowable activities clearly specify community-based, community-driven outreach at the ground level.

  • The maximum grant award of $75,000 further indicates that the scope of these projects is small, community based initiatives.

  • A letter of acknowledgement from the State or local food stamp office is a required element of the application. Applications received without such letters of acknowledgement will be considered non-responsive and eliminated from consideration (see p. 4 of the RFA.) A project that is national in scope would make this requirement difficult if not impossible since it would involve seeking letters from all States.

Q. Is there a limit on indirect costs? (posted 1/12/06)

A.  Applicants WITH an indirect cost rate agreement: If indirect costs are part of the budget, organizations with an indirect cost rate agreement from their cognizant audit agency claim the indirect cost rate stated in that agreement. Applicants should submit a copy of the negotiated and approved indirect cost rate agreement from their cognizant agency with their proposal. It should be included as an attachment and is not part of the 15 page technical proposal limit. This is noted on page 12 of the RFA.
     The example on page 21 of the RFA uses an indirect cost rate of 12 percent. This example assumes that the fictitious organization has an indirect cost agreement from their cognizant agency for 12 percent indirect costs.
     Applicants WITHOUT an indirect cost rate agreement: If indirect costs are part of the budget, organization without an indirect cost rate agreement from a cognizant agency, may claim up to, but no more than, 10 percent indirect costs. Another option for organizations without an agreement is to directly charge all support and overhead costs that are reasonable and allowable under the grant. As with all line items on the budget, such items will be carefully reviewed according to the technical evaluation criteria.

Q. Please clarify the nature of the letter of acknowledgement from the State and local food stamp office and what role the State or local food stamp office should play in the project. (posted 2/7/06)

A.  A sample letter in the Request for Applications (RFA) is provided in Template II on page 17 of the RFA.  A letter of acknowledgement from your State or local food stamp office is required to be submitted with each proposal.  As noted on page 4 of the RFA, applications submitted without a signed letter of acknowledgement from the State or local food stamp office will be considered non-responsive and eliminated from consideration.
     The role of the State or local office in the project can be anything from a simple acknowledgement of the outreach project to tracking applications of outreach contacts and supplying outcome data (with appropriate confidentially concerns addressed) or anything in between.  It is up to you, the applicant, to talk with representatives at the State or local office and sort out the appropriate role for them in the project as envisioned.  Modify the template letter in the RFA as needed to fit their role as the two of you have defined it.
     If you have other partners in addition to the food stamp office, remember that you must also include a letter of commitment from those partners with your proposal.
     For further information about partnering with food stamp offices, please see Attachment IX on page 33 of the RFA (Lessons Learned from the Evaluation of FY02 Outreach Grants.)

Q. Please clarify the requirements for submission of organizational audit by non-profit organizations. (posted 3/7/06)

A. As noted on page 13 of the RFA, non-profit organizations are required to submit the most recent audit of their organization’s financial records. It is also noted that if the organization has not had an audit, a financial statement signed by the Treasurer of the Board will suffice. It has been brought to our attention that organizational audits may be rather large files that can present difficulties when being uploaded to  for those applying online.

  • If you are applying online through , please try to convert your audit to a .pdf file and upload it. If this doesn’t work because the file is too large, please include in your proposal a statement certifying that you had a recent audit, noting the date, and indicating that it was too large for upload to . In this case, please also submit a financial statement signed by the Treasurer of the Board. FNS may ask for the complete audit during negotiations at a later date if your organization is being considered for an award.

If you are applying online and your audit is too large for upload, please do not mail your audit separately as FNS cannot match up sections of proposals that are submitted separately. If you continue to have problems including these items with your electronic proposal, please contact Suzanne Pastura at  for assistance.

  • If you are not applying online and are sending your application to FNS in hard copy, please just submit a copy of your audit or financial statement with your proposal.

Q. Is the FNS “Step1” pre-screening tool available in a stand alone version that can be used on a laptop that is not connected to the Internet? (posted 3/7/06)

A. At this time, the “Step” 1 tool is not available in a stand alone version. FNS is working on a stand alone version but it is not ready at the current time. The stand alone version will be posted on the FNS web site for download when it becomes available.

Q. Please clarify the nature on what is meant by “financial incentive.” (posted 3/7/06)

A. As noted on page 3 of the request for Applications (RFA), recruitment and provision of food (or food vouchers) or financial (or monetary) incentives to potentially eligible participants are not allowed. Provision of an outreach reinforcement item such as a pen or magnet with a toll free number is not considered recruitment or a financial incentive. Such items that include an outreach message can serve as continual reminders for potential participants about the nutrition benefits of food stamps and enables them to follow through when they feel ready. However, such items must be of nominal value, certainly less than $4 per item, and they must be reasonable, necessary and relevant to the program objectives, and justified in the budget, in addition to having a specific outreach message and substantive information such as a phone contact number for more information.

Q: Is there a minimum or maximum mileage allowance? (posted 3/23/06)

A: There is no minimum or maximum mileage allowance.  However, the technical review panel will review and score your travel budget line item based on whether the costs are necessary,  reasonable, and accurate.
     The current Federal per mile reimbursement rate is 44.5 cents for privately owned vehicles.  However, your organization may have established it’s own per mile reimbursement rate for privately-owned vehicles.  If your organization does have an established rate, you should use the lesser of the two rates.  For example, if your organization reimburses 40 cents per mile and the Federal rate is 44.5 cents per mile, you should use 40 cents a mile to arrive at your automobile travel costs.
      If you intend to use the Federal rate, please know that the rate periodically changes.  You can find the most current Federal rate at .  Look for Travel Resources on the left and click on “POV Mileage Reimbursement Rates.”

Last modified: 11/21/2008