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Reports are listed by publication year, in descending order.


Teacher Career Choices: Timing of Teacher Careers Amoung 1992-93 Bachelor's Degree Recipients

By Sharon E. Anderson

This report uses longitudinal data from the 1992-93 Baccalaureate and Beyond Study (B&B:93/03) to analyze the teaching career choices of 1992-93 bachelor's degree recipients. As of 2003, some 87 percent of graduates reported not teaching in 1994, 1997, and 2003 (nonteachers). Of the 13 percent of graduates who were teaching at one or more of the three follow-up interviews, 31 percent taught consistently, 41 percent were late starters, 16 percent were leavers, and 12 percent were other teachers. The report also provides an in-depth look at the teacher career choices of those graduates with various demographic characteristics, academic backgrounds, teaching assignments, and salaries. Among those who taught, graduates with dependents in each year (1993, 1997, and 2003) taught consistently at higher rates than graduates without dependents. Most graduates who taught consistently had majored in education for their bachelor's degree (77 percent). On the other hand, 40 percent of education majors were not teaching at the elementary/secondary level in 1994, 1997, or 2003. Many of the 1992-93 graduates who became teachers had earned a master's degree or higher by 2003 and had done so at higher rates than graduates who did not teach: 39 percent of graduates who taught had attained a master's degree or higher by 2003, compared with about one-quarter of those who did not teach. The results in this report may inform research on teacher supply and demand, teacher attrition, and teacher retention.

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To Teach or Not to Teach? Teaching Experience and Preparation Among 1992-93 Bachelor's Degree Recipients 10 Years After College

By Martha Alt and Robin Henke

Using data from the 2003 Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study (B&B:93/03), this report profiles 1992-93 bachelor’s degree recipients’ experience with K-12 teaching in the subsequent 10 years, as well as their preparation for teaching. The analysis first compares current and former teachers in this cohort on several demographic and educational measures, and contrasts these groups with 1992-93 graduates who never taught. The report provides an overview of teachers’ job satisfaction and, for those not teaching in 2002-03, the main reason for not teaching. The second section looks at graduates’ preparation for teaching, including the key steps of completing a teacher education program, serving as a student teacher, and earning certification. Finally, the report examines the main reasons graduates who never taught gave for deciding against teaching.

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Attrition of New Teachers Among Recent College Graduates: Comparing Occupational Stability Among 1992–93 College Graduates Who Taught and Those Who Worked in Other Occupations

By Robin Henke and Sonya Geis

This report examines the occupation stability of bachelor's degree recipients during the first 4 years after receiving the bachelor's degree. The analyses address the following question: were graduates who were teaching in 1994 more or less likely than those in other occupations to leave the work force or work in a different occupation in 1997? The data indicate that K-12 teachers among 1992-93 college graduates were among the least likely to work in different occupations in 1997 compared with 1994.

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Progress Through the Teacher Pipeline: 1992-93 College Graduates and Elementary/Secondary School Teaching as of 1997

By Robin Henke, Xianglei Chen, and Sonya Geis

This report is the second in a series of reports that follows 1992-93 college graduates' progress through the teacher pipeline using data from the Second Follow-up of the Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study (B&B:93/97). The first report, entitled Out of the Lecture Hall and Into the Classroom: 1992-93 College Graduates and Elementary/ Secondary School Teaching (NCES 96-899), focused on graduates' transitions into teaching 1 year after college graduation. This report focuses on the academic characteristics and preparation for teaching of those who took various steps toward teaching and is organized by a conceptual "teacher pipeline" that represents a teacher's career. The pipeline includes preparatory activities-considering teaching, student teaching as an undergraduate, becoming certified to teach, applying for teaching jobs-as well as teaching experiences and plans for teaching in the future.

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Out of the Lecture Hall and Into the Classroom: 1992-93 College Graduates and Elementary/ Secondary School Teaching, With an Essay on Undergraduate Academic Experiences

By Robin Henke

Description of new entrants into the teacher pipeline (potential new teachers) and comparison of those within the pipeline, with an emphasis on undergraduate academic experience of new teachers, others in the pipeline, and non-teachers.

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