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Selected Oblique Views of Lake Tahoe, CA-NV

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Click on the arrows within the index map below, or click on the thumbnail images below the index map.

All images linked to below are between 98 kb and 125 kb in size.

Perspective Index Map

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Figure 1. Oblique view of Lake Tahoe viewing a perched channel.
(113 kb)
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Figure 2. Oblique view of Lake Tahoe looking at a possible fault scarp.
(116 kb)
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Figure 3. Oblique view of Lake Tahoe showing a debris flow.
(107 kb)
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Figure 4. Oblique view of Lake Tahoe looking at a debris avalanche.
(114 kb)
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Figure 5. Oblique view of Lake Tahoe looking at large debris blocks.
(121 kb)
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Figure 6. Oblique view of Lake Tahoe showing sediment chutes.
(117 kb)
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Figure 7. Oblique view of Lake Tahoe looking at a large glacial outwash fan.
(98 kb)
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Figure 8. Oblique view of Lake Tahoe looking a large glacial outwash fan.
(112 kb)
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Figure 9. Oblique view of Lake Tahoe viewing sediment aprons.
(125 kb)


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Take Pride in America logo logo U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey
Page Contact Information: Peter Dartnell
Page Maintained By: Laura Zink Torresan
Page Last Modified: 8 September 2008 (lzt)