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Industrial Hygiene Coordinating Committee
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Industrial Hygiene Coordinating Committee Charter

July 1995

I. Committee Goal and Scope of Activities 

The Secretary of Energy places a high priority on achieving excellence in DOE occupational health and safety programs. The Department is undertaking many critical initiatives in responding to this Secretarial priority.

In support of these critical initiatives, DOE established this DOE Industrial Hygiene Coordinating Committee (IHCC) to efficiently and effectively communicate and coordinate intradepartmental industrial hygiene program activities. The goal of this committee is to facilitate achieving the Department's priority of being an exemplary industrial hygiene program in the industrial hygiene community.

The Committee's scope of activities include:

  1. Identifying actions for the consistent implementation of DOE industrial hygiene policies, guidance, and standards;
  2. Providing input to DOE industrial hygiene policy, guidance, standards, and technical support initiatives;
  3. Assisting DOE in identifying industrial hygiene needs, priorities, and initiatives; and
  4. Facilitating the communication of industrial hygiene information throughout the DOE.

II. Committee Actions

Using accepted administrative procedures, Committee recommendations will be forwarded to the appropriate organization for action and/or consideration. Committee recommendations will be presented in memoranda, summary reports, white papers, and briefings. The Committee will:

  1.  Review documents using the following method:
    1. Committee members will request comments from organizations within their area of responsibility.
    2. Comments will be forwarded to the Subcommittee tasked with the document review.
    3. The subcommittee will consider all comments and make recommendations to the full Committee.
    4. The Chair will then forward recommendations approved by the full Committee to the appropriate organization.
  2. Advise Program and Field Offices through presentations/briefings/meetings, regarding Committee activities.
  3. Participate in working groups tasked with addressing industrial hygiene related concerns/issues.
  4. Respond to inquiries directed to the Committee.
  5. Interface with DOE organizations impacting industrial hygiene programs and resources.
  6. Foster the publication and dissemination of industrial hygiene information to enhance awareness of worker health issues.
  7. Provide to the Deputy Secretary an annual report and briefing.

III. Committee Membership

    Committee members shall be dedicated to promoting a proactive approach to worker health programs throughout the DOE. Management commitment will be demonstrated through support of the Committee's goal. Specifically, management should allow the designated member an appropriate amount of time and sufficient resources to allow effective participation in Committee activities.

    1. Committee membership consists of one individual appointed by each of the Secretarial Officers, Operations Office Managers, and managers of other major field organizations (e.g., Power Market Authorities, Naval Petroleum Reserves and Energy Technology Centers). These individuals will have key industrial hygiene roles and responsibilities for their respective organizations. Members are expected to serve three year terms at the discretion of the appointing official. An alternate will be designated to participate in Committee meetings and activities in the absence of the member.
    2. The IHCC provides recommendations for the Chair and Chair-elect to the Deputy Secretary. The Chair and Chair-elect serve one year terms. The Chair-elect assumes the Chair position after the end of the Chair's term.
    3. The Committee may establish subcommittees, and call upon outside expertise as necessary.

 IV. Meeting Frequency and Administrative Procedures

    1. The Chair will schedule and arrange meetings at least quarterly, and special meetings as necessary.
    2. The Chair will distribute to each member an agenda prior to meetings and minutes after meetings. Minutes, subject to approval by the Committee, shall reflect the official record of the meeting, i.e., date, time, members and guests present, official business conducted, and the schedule for the next meeting. Minutes will be distributed to Committee members, Secretarial Officers, Operations Office Managers, and Managers of major field organizations.

This page was last updated on December 06, 2007

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