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Frequently Asked Questions

Why is MDA funding the development of advanced technology?

Ballistic missile defenses cannot be developed overnight. Yet the threat of ballistic missile attack continues to grow. Significant leaps in technology are needed to make the vision of superior missile defense a reality. These leaps offer the potential to push forward the boundaries of known science and engineering to allow scientists and engineers to create ever-more-sophisticated technology. With such technology, MDA can strengthen its ballistic missile defenses - by making them more accurate, robust, capable, and affordable. Reaping such benefits, however, is not without significant risk. Sometimes, a large investment must be made to make the very discovery that overcomes a key technology barrier.

What kinds of technology are being developed?

Advanced research and development (R&D) projects are concentrated in algorithms, electronics, materials, photonics, power, propulsion, sensors, and thermal management. For example, laser radars are needed to locate and track missiles throughout their trajectory, while algorithms are key to discriminating between real and decoy missiles. Nanopowders - materials with diameters significantly smaller than the width of a strand of hair - could make infrared seeker windows harder and more transparent. Heat sinks could provide interceptors with much-needed thermal management, preventing sensitive electronics from overheating. Solar cells could provide satellite electronics with more power, extending a platform's surveillance duties in space.

Who develops this technology?

MDA does not operate any development facilities or laboratories of its own, so it depends largely on the military branches and other Federal agencies for technology management. While large businesses perform the majority of technology development work, small businesses and universities are also important technology contributors.

Why transfer MDA technology to commercial markets?

MDA supports technology transfer for several reasons. Transferring MDA-funded technology to commercial markets can reduce its cost through quantity production. It can also prove a technology's reliability and improve its performance. Often, these benefits are realized without additional MDA funding because the technology developers leverage private R&D funds. However, in the final analysis, MDA funds technology to meet its mission of ballistic missile defense.

Technology transfer supports the mission when it keeps MDA-funded technologies alive for MDA acquisition decisions. For example, suppose a small technology company develops a tiny accelerometer to help guide a ballistic missile interceptor, but it will be years before this technology is inserted into a missile defense system. Without any sales, the company may go bankrupt. To survive, it finds an automobile manufacturer that needs a new triggering mechanism for its air bag deployment systems. By reducing the size and cost of the accelerometer while increasing its accuracy, the company sells the device in mass quantities to the automobile manufacturer. By creating a new revenue source, it can stay in business and be ready to supply the technology when MDA is ready to insert the technology into the interceptor.

Technology transfer responds to public law and Department of Defense (DOD) policy. More than 20 different Federal laws and directives promoting technology transfer have been enacted. Key laws include the Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act (1980), which required Federal laboratories to facilitate the transfer of federally owned and originated technology to state and local governments and the private sector. The Bayh-Dole Act (1980) enabled universities and other nonprofits to own and patent inventions resulting from federally funded research programs. Presidential Executive Order 12591 (1987) directed Federal agency heads to help transfer technology to the marketplace and granted title to innovations growing out of federally funded research to the institutions that performed the research. DOD Directive 5535.5, "DOD Domestic Technology Transfer (T2) Program," re-established DOD's policy of support and participation in technology transfer.

And finally, technology transfer provides substantial economic and social benefits. To transfer a technology to the commercial sector, several things must happen. A new business must be formed to create a product from the technology, find customers, and generate sales. Employees must be hired to perform the administrative, engineering, and marketing functions. So technology transfer results in the creation of new businesses and jobs. New industries grow when these business bring new technology to the marketplace. Ultimately, these industries boost our country's global competitiveness.

Who assists this technology transfer?

The MDA Technology Applications program is responsible for the transfer of MDA-funded technology to the commercial sector. The National Technology Transfer Center (NTTC) administers the program through a cooperative agreement with MDA. NTTC's Washington Operations office provides program support. Established in 1993, this office has a proven track record of helping organizations to successfully transfer their MDA-funded technologies. Its unique approach to MDA technology transfer includes business assistance and outreach support services.