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     Chris Polloni's Professional Page

Deparment of Interior -- U.S. Geological Survey -- Woods Hole Field Center

Launching a Van Veen sampler Chris Polloni, Computer Specialist, Oceanographer, 
CD Technologist

Focusing on the future with some hindsight from the past!  In a hard hat assisting Brenton Taylor (on left) with the Van Veen grab sampler that is about to be launched from a research retro-fitted fishing vessel during a cruise-mission to Stellwagen Bank.

This system, SEABOSS (Blackwood and Parolski),  takes video and still frame images as well as a bite of the seafloor!

A reference table of information resource links that relate to my specialty.    

I work for the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program(CMGP)  at the Woods Hole Field Center located on the Quissett Campus (part of the  Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution ) in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. We have access to the Woods Hole Scientific Community and its surrounding environment which includes Cape Cod and the islands. My duties, as a technologist with the Sea Floor Mapping group, are coordinating GIS applications and researching methods for data collection, visualization, archive and publication which includes making formal CD-ROMs and WWW documents (see CMART) and the construction of a metadata database which will include the data holdings of the CMGP. Some recent publications that I have worked on are in my cv and a more detailed list is included in my bibliography.  When I'm not working, I enjoy sailing in my Mariner 2+2 sloop on Buzzards Bay!.

Mr. Chris Polloni
USGS, Woods Hole Field Center
384 Woods Hole Road
Woods Hole, MA 02543-1598

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