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UNICODE-MARC Archives – December 2006

  1. 008/38 fills the bill as is (Part of: What to add?)

  2. A Discovery Relevant to Our What Not to Add Discussion

  3. A Question

  4. Control codes (part of; What to add?)

  5. Exclusion of unassigned code points (Re: What to add?

  6. FW: Unicode Format Characters that might be best prohibited f...

  7. FW: Unicode Format Characters that might be best prohibited from MARC

  8. Fwd: Unicode Format Characters that might be best prohibited from MARC

  9. misdirected e-mail

  10. Numeric Character References (NCR's) in Unicode Based MARC Records?

  11. Private use code points (part of : What to add?)

  12. Roman Numerals

  13. UTF-8 in Unicode 5.0

  14. What to add (2)

  15. What to add?

  16. [Fwd: Re: [UNICODE-M] What to add?]
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