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UNICODE-MARC Archives – October 2005

  1. Code Point Restrictions in Unicode MARC 21 Records?

  2. MARC-specific exclusions, for example NO-BREAK SPACE

  3. MARC-specific exclusions: Paragraph mark

  4. Non Filing Indicator

  5. Overview of tasks

  6. Place Holder Character

  7. Round tripping East Asian characters

  8. Timeline for script phase-in?

  9. Topic 1 Hex or Dec NCR's?

  10. Topic 1 Status?

  11. Topic 1, NCR'--hex or dec?

  12. Topic 1, Notation to Use in NCR's and Precomposed Combinations

  13. Topic 1, Representing Extended Unicode in MARC-8

  14. Topic 1.5, Should we Exclude Unicode's Unmappable Diacritics?

  15. Topic 1.5, Treat Arabic Presentaiton Forms As PreComposed Com...

  16. Topic 1.5, Treat Arabic Presentaiton Forms As PreComposed Combos?

  17. Topic 2: Fonts

  18. Topic 2: Fonts, etc.

  19. Topic 2: Fonts--I hope not

  20. Topic 2: Fonts--Why Not?

  21. Unicode good practices

  22. Unicode good practices - keyboard

  23. Using ALL of Unicode

  24. Using All of Unicode?

  25. Using All of Unicode? - Deprecated characters

  26. Using All of Unicode? Surrogate code points
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