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Imagery Programs


Introduction to the National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) Survey

The primary purpose of NAIP is to acquire peak growing season "leaf on" imagery, and deliver this imagery to United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) County Service Centers in order to maintain Common Land Unit (CLU) boundaries and assist with crop compliance and a multitude of other farm programs

As evidenced by the types of customers requesting NAIP imagery, the imagery has other purposes as well. Although our primary customers are States and County Service Centers, other uses for NAIP imagery, including military, real estate, recreation, planning, etc., cannot be overlooked.

NAIP is a program with a relatively short history, beginning with pilot projects in 2001 and 2002, and moving towards full volume acquisition in 2003 to 2006, based on funding and partnering. NAIP is moving out of the research and development phase and into sustainment status. By moving into a sustainment phase, a program can build on and evaluate a quality business process, and stabilize. Part of this process is evaluating how NAIP is working for its primary customers.


The intent of the NAIP Survey is to assess in a quantitative and qualitative manner how NAIP is satisfying customer needs. In other words, "How did APFO do in providing useful NAIP imagery for its primary customer, FSA State Offices and County Service Centers?" Answering this question comprises the purpose of the survey.

The results of the NAIP survey will be used to help ascertain how NAIP can be implemented in the most efficient and effective manner, to identify areas for improvement, and to recognize in what areas the program is currently excelling.


For any questions or concerns regarding the NAIP Survey, please contact Sandy Hinkley at or 801-844-2932.

The NAIP06 Survey data is no longer available.


Last Modified: 06/10/08 4:49:00 PM

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