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USDA Planning Meeting

Tuesday, Dec 02:
Session I - USDA Planning and Coordination

Welcome and Introductions: Ron Nicholls and Kent Williams.

IFTN/NDOP Steering Committee Report: Presenter - Shirley Hall
Shirley presented Imagery for the Nation - General Status PPT or PDF

Administration is transitioning. Some people will stay in their positions and some will be out before Christmas. Cason says he wants to have a plan to pass on

Remote Sensing Update:
Presenter - Glenn Bethel
Glenn presented Sources of Free Imagery PPT or PDF

Worldview PAN is free and relatively east to obtain from Geoeye archive in WARP format (unrectifed). Go through WARP or CIDR. Data still licensed.

If the imagery is not in their archive, can they order it for you? Yes. Need the catalog# if it's not in WARP.

Glen presented USDA has made progress but still needs additional representation on USGEO Working Groups Status PPT or PDF

2008 Contracting Report: Presenter - Geoff Gabbott.
Geoff presented USDA Imagery Planning & Coordination Meeting -2008 USDA Contracts Report- PPT or PDF

Digital states were they all flown 4-band. Yes, always collected. In moving to absolute control there isn't a great deal of change from relative control to absolute control. This is where everyone wants to go

Geoff presented 2008 Small Area Contract (SAC) 2008 Projects/Task Orders in the PPT above

NRI-WRP Contract Review
2008 is the 4th year of a 5 year IDIQ contract

Will there be any useful imagery out of Alaska from the 04 projects? There will be significant holes but there are some useful images. Trying to fill in the holes with other imagery

Geoff presented USDA Contracts 101 Procedure Review in the PPT above.

2009 APFO Aerial Photography:
Fiscal Year 2009 Procurement Schedule PDF.

R5 considering to cut back on their Resource photography

Agency Reports: Presenter: Jim Hipple, RMA
Jim presented Enhancing Crop Insurance Program Integrity with Remote Sensing and Data Mining PPT or PDF

Looking at collecting 16 days of AWiFS. If interested in toolbox, be happy to give it to you. Automated process, ortho-rectified, 1 day from satellite library. Several indices available including NDVI, NDWI, and LSWI. Crop rotation talking about laying fallow, corn, soy bean. Not doing a rotation pattern.

Goal is for filed level metrics integrated into data mining project. Model will use every AWiFS scene to increase classification accuracy of crop type, vigor and health

Has RMA turned into a reporting basis for CLU? There are people in RMA pushing to get this done. Building in the ability to collect this information. Coordinating with a large number of people. Right now it's PLSS if they decide to report it because it's not a required field.

Presenter: Laura Stretch, APHIS.

Animal care was a rough year. Veterinary services no human pandemics. 2008 we didn't have a lot of new exotic introductions. We're finding ourselves more and more in peoples backyards. More and more home grown in backyards. Increased need desire and more people on the ground needing high resolution. We are looking more towards mobile technology. More desired, it is the way to do it. APHIS does work in a disconnected environment. Emergency response fruit fly, citrus, light brown apple moth, etc. ES11 coordinators are now fully staffed at all FEMA locations. Provide a little more highlight on the Geospatial products. During the ICS classes we need the maps but what is coming apparent we were using Yahoo maps or Google but found problems with user agreements (Licensing). Working on some funding for NAIP.

Presenter: Tony Kimmet, NRCS
Tony presented USDA-NRCS Agency Report PPT or PDF.

Puerto Rico talked about the orthoimagery shown. Have concern of vegetative areas. Yes, that's why there is a P band. By using IfSAR. NAIP is used by 70% of NRCS employees. NRCS needs to use leaf off imagery for the engineers. Louisiana, Mississippi states wanting CIR.

Pac Basin. Mosaicking islands.

AK- wants elevation before ortho imagery. Looking at IFSAR and going out with an FRI.

Presenter: Dorsey Plunk, NRCS
Dorsey presented 2008 NRCS NRI/WRP Summary PPT or PDF.

Doing a pilot for digital acquisition-4 band, georeferenced/ortho rectified, stereo, GSD TBD (mimic 1:7920)

What is the GSD of film? 3" to 6"

Presenter: Bill Belton, USFS
Bill presented USDA Forest Service National Aerial Imagery Status Report PPT or PDF

$1.7 million for NAIP and $1 million for resource imagery.
FS is short for 09 in funding of 100,000. ½ meter resolution is the most useful. May be able to get by without resource AP with a .5 meter option with NAIP. Repeat cycle highest rated is every year. 50% require stereo imagery. ½ meter NAIP on a 3 year cycle would be a huge benefit to FS. It's getting harder to fund things with fire expenses taking up a lot of funding. What happens when it's not a bad fire season? Has not happened. Under the current system there is no incentive not to spend money

Presenter: Melinda McGann, R-2

Switch to digital acquisition. Want to make sure the field can use the product need to educate the forest on how to use the imagery we are now getting. 1ft 4 band imagery. Use a lot of Landsat.

Presenter: Bart Matthews, R-3

Flying Kaibab NF and the Lincoln NF. Cost sharing doing ground control for these projects. Wanting to move into the digital realm. Limiting because of disc space in order to do 4 Band.
IDIQ historically we've had this contract hoping to expand. Continually to use Landsat data.
Acquired LiDAR on the Coronado NF. Going to use it for squirrel habitat

Presenter: Sanford Moss, R-4
Sanford presented Resource Photography Acquisition and Specifications
Looking at RAID arrays for forests.

Presenter: Michael Golden/Susan Costa, R6
Michael and Susan presented USFS-Region 6 Imagery Program PPT or PDF

Small group of only 4 people. Focus on local needs. Have request for LiDAR. Is it easier with a contractor or on your own? The cost is going down and getting more miles flown with a contractor and delivering a better product. Tract air system is used for flight planning.

NAIP Update: Presenter - Kent Williams.
Kent presented NAIP update PPT or PDF

Heard a rumor that FSA is going strictly 4-Band? That is just a rumor. 4-band is for a buy-up only. We don't have interest from all the states for the 4-band buy up.

2008 Pilot Projects: Presenter - Brian Vanderbilt
Brian presented NAIP 2008: Pilot Projects - PPT or PDF.

Our hope is to go absolute for 2009.

David Wheeler presented Quality Management PPT or PDF.

APFO Photo Production Update: Presenter - John Stadelman
John presented Production Summary PPT or PDF.

Mike Sullivan presented Monitor Calibration - PPT or PDF.

Will put this on our website on how to calibrate your monitor.

Wednesday, Dec 03:
Session II - Agency Reports, Planning & Coordination


Imagery for Disaster Assessment in Agriculture Land: Presenter - Dorsey Plunk/Glenn Bethel
Glenn presented Disaster Imagery PPT or PDF

Dorsey presented Image Service for Hurricane Ike .

USDA should receive alternate funding for long term if it didn't meet the guidance of the Stafford Act. First time the three agencies asked for imagery from FEMA and were denied. When preparing for next year bottom line, need a disaster declaration and this needs to be in place. Need to look at other disasters. Need to get information in sooner before the first flight. Create a list of all major disasters and where the data is. Look at APFO do contracting for USDA imagery for disaster.

USFS RSAC: Presenter - Brad Quayle
Brad presented USDA Forest Service Remote Sensing Applications Center Operational Remote Sensing Support Programs PPT or PDF

The data is archived on the website for a year

Direct Digital Imagery Projects: Presenter - Charlotte Vanderbilt
Charlotte presented Digital Resource Projects PPT or PDF

How do you plan on storing the data? We will be maintaining the hard drive from the contractor. How are you distributing the data from the Districts? Don't know.

Lessons Learned: Presenter - John Mootz
John presented Boise N.F. Lessons Learned PPT or PDF

Base flight planning on linear miles. We have to recompute that to a square mile.
Is the IMU data that accurate? Yes. For the AWiFS file they provide an aux file. In ERDAS Imagine you have to go in the file and tell it how to rotate the image. Have to change the settings.
Once you rotate the image you have disconnected the IMU data. We need to know what remote sensing software you will be using. Region 4 did a usage guide on how to use this new digital imagery. Compatible with the Leica photo system for the FS. We need to know that up front because then we can put it in the contract. We do tailor the contract to the customer requirements of software. Need to take a small project area and be able to orthorectify an image. If the end product is ortho it's not as expensive, if it's written into the contract. To maximize the use of the data you want to put into ortho The 10 year resource photography program is still on track. Arapaho and White River NF are planned for next year.

3 products
Remote sensing unstretched
Stereo pair
Ortho requirement

Proposed Product Standard: Presenter - John Mootz
John presented Proposed Standard Products for Direct Digital Resource PPT or PDF

With film we don't need a standard resolution. Old film standard weren't proper for stereo coverage, contractors said. Who is gong to be the user of this product? Forest, District Level. If the user knows how to use it. Are their other uses for stereo coverage? Region 5 ortho is a by product. Vegetative mapping, image classifying is what they want. If you want color balanced you probably want the contractor to do this. R5- why would you want two Stereo pairs? Use to print it out and people come in the office to make a more detailed map of contours. Don't need a pretty picture (unbalanced). 8bit verses 16bit the difference is in the shadows, more texture. Raw unprocessed data is very similar to film. No aux, need aux but it will be available.

New Application Paperwork: Presenter - Charlotte Vanderbilt.
Charlotte presented Resource Application Paperwork PPT or PDF

It's easier for the contractor to know what you will be using the data for

Inspection Process Review: Presenter - Sherry Holyoak
Sherry presented Digital Inspection Process Review PPT or PDF

Hardcopy Options: Presenter - John Stadelman.

On the APFO website are examples of what we can print. Soon a fill able order form will be on our website for you to use. Can we print roll # on image? Yes, we can figure something out. If you have a digital acquisition you still can get hard copy prints. We haven't figured this out

IT Issues: Presenter - Lori Uhlhorn

Current Resource projects (Regions 2 & 4) equate to 5 NAIP flying seasons at 1 meter across 48 contiguous states. PowerPoint slide.

Contractor delivers a hard drive to APFO. How do we get the data to the customer? You can provide the hard drive but it must be sealed. Can't put the money in the contract because it won't go to IT. Need to figure out how to get the money to IT. Don't want the duplicate hard drive from the contractor because it needs to be organized so you can understand it. Bigger issue is how to archive this raw data. Right now we're talking short term storage. Maybe we need to require 2 drives from the contractor one for us and 1 for the FS. Because the FS has paid for it. I don't think you want this because of rejected imagery or problems. Maybe some options in how we finance these contracts. If there would be another purchase order another set of money that's a different color maybe we could accept this.

Thursday, Dec 04:
Session II - NAIP Planning and Coordination

Medium Format Digital Cameras: Intergraph/Alistair Stuart presented Transition to Digital Acquisition PPT or PDF

Applanix/Kevin Perkins presented RapidOrthoTM DualCam System PPT or PDF

Leica/Shawn Slade presented Leica ADS80 - Digital Airborne Imaging Solution PDF

Microsoft/Michael Smallwood presented Vexcel Imaging/Microsoft Photogrammetry PDF Chart PDF 2

Please note: Vendor Presentations are provided for information purposes as excerpts from the USDA Planning meeting and do not constitute endorsement by USDA

APFO Distribution Services: Presenter - Lori Uhlhorn
Lori presented APFO Data Distribution and Services PPT or PDF

What happens if the county is bigger than 4 GB? You need to contact us.

Marla Jo Porter presented Customer Order Entry System (COES) from the above PowerPoint
APFO/FSA Joint Ventures.

Kevin Clarke presented Web Services from the above PowerPoint.

We only keep the current version of CLU
The last price change was in 1999.

USDA Enterprise Geospatial Items

USDA Enterprise GIS: Presenter: Jim Heald Jim presented Review of Unified Geospatial Segment Architecture & Pre-Select Business Case PPT or PDF

We need to make a more coordinator effort to the contractors about storage.

The Department needs to get a handle on what we're spending on GIS.

Open Discussion and Wrap Up:

Stereo imagery can be obtained directly to the vendor. Want to make it easier for the regions to buy. 09 make it easier for them to buy it on a secondary contract. Don't think it's the case of QC. The contract would have to be written to this. Evaluate it as a NAIP buy up. How much would it cost APFO to store this data? What is your definition of storage? APFO needs to do the research. This discussion is tabled for right now.
Right now don't know what the regions would buy. It could be a pass through product and be written into the contract that the FS is responsible for QC.

Looking at ½ meter buy-up the potential is there but we are looking at this. We need to do the research. There having to extend the flight lines and what does that do to delivery schedule. We are doing this study.

Using NAIP imagery for disasters? Yes. For hurricanes, would it be possible to do an IDIQ? Yes, but we need requirements. Need to setup a working group. FEMA. Requirements are already predefined? Is this just for hurricanes? Don't know.

Meeting Action Items
1) - Monitor calibration (SW application to be put on APFO website - Christen

2) - Evaluate stereo option for NAIP - Kent (NAIP team)

3) - List of users with accounts on EarthWhere sent to Glenn B. - Lori

4) - NAIP survey questions to Bill - Brian

Related Topics
 Bullet USDA Planning Meeting
 Bullet NAIP Coordination Meeting
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Last Modified: 01/08/09 1:13:49 PM

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