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Electronic - Voluntary Protection Program (e-VPP) System Phased Implementation

e-VPP Logo The Office of Worker Safety and Health Assistance (HS-12) is implementing a "web-based" system for handling Department of Energy Voluntary Protection Program (DOE-VPP) program applications. This web-based system permits the submission of applications for the Department's VPP via the Internet and it may be adapted for use by the private business sector in applying for VPP.

What is VPP?

The Department initiated its VPP in January 1994 to promote improved safety and health performance through public recognition of outstanding voluntary safety programs. DOE-VPP also includes coverage of radiation protection/nuclear safety and emergency management because of the type and complexity of DOE facilities. Similar to OSHA's VPP program, DOE-VPP provides several proven benefits to participating sites, including improved labor/management relations, reduced workplace injuries and illnesses, increased employee involvement, improved morale, reduced absenteeism, and public recognition.

e-VPP: Introducing the Electronic VPP Application Program

Previously, applications for VPP recognition both within DOE and in the private sector took weeks of arduous work and resulted in paper applications containing hundreds of documents. Compiling such applications was resource intensive and even the mailing or transmittal of such applications was difficult. Some applicants tried to simplify the process of transmitting such large paper documents by processing and scanning the documents and attachments, then copying the materials to discs and CD's. In an effort to reduce the burden of the "typical" application process, one site experimented with a process of placing all documents and materials on a discreet section of their Intranet, then issuing passwords to those reviewing the materials. Although effective, that effort produced some questions regarding security of the hosts' Intranet system. Using these "lessons learned," HSS undertook the commitment to develop, test and provide a true, web-based process for filing VPP applications. HSS has named this project the Electronic - Voluntary Protection Program or "e-VPP."

This task, started in 2002, was initially conceived and planned as an "E-Gov" activity, directly supporting the Department in meeting the President's Management Agenda.


The main objectives of the e-VPP program include the following:

  • To enable and expand the use of secure Internet and computer resources in providing Government services, i.e., better serving our citizens through "Electronic" Government or "E-Gov."
  • Directly support the President's direction regarding E-Gov by "making Government more responsive and cost-effective."
  • Support field activities by greatly simplifying/reducing their workload in preparing, transmitting and amending applications for VPP.

Three-Phased Approach

The e-VPP development program is employing a 3-phased approach to allow users to have ample opportunity to provide the feedback that will ensure their requirements are fully met. Phase 1 is completed, has been deployed, and is currently in use in a beta-testing capacity. When beta testing of Phase I is completed, Phase 2 will be released, which, in addition to the scheduled Phase 2 enhancements, will also include any system improvements made as a result of the beta testing. At this time, the high level of satisfaction experienced by users of this system has encouraged additional organizations, who may have been daunted by the manual preparation process, to request participation in the VPP program.

Phase 2 is currently underway and is nearing completion. Upon acceptance of Phase 2, the e-VPP system will be locked until the release of Phase 3, during which the Reporting capability of e-VPP will be developed.

With the deployment of each system phase, safety measures will be taken to ensure data integrity is maintained.

Looking Ahead

We have had numerous requests from other Federal and State agencies to share our product thereby helping not only DOE customers, but also stakeholders in every State and throughout the entire private business sector. Again, this aspect directly mirrors the President's direction that, "Our success depends on agencies working as a team across traditional boundaries to better serve the American people, focusing on citizens rather than individual agency needs."

The success of this e-VPP initiative has resulted in planning for additional e-VPP projects. Presently, development of a web-based method for sites to submit the required annual self-evaluation reports and for Headquarters to review and respond to each report is underway. Here again, the present "paper" system will be replaced by a web-based, "paperless" system and resource requirements will be cut by more than half.

The development of web-based methods for submitting applications, and for completion and filing of the annual self-evaluations, including all responses will assist the field in defining and re-defining goals and objectives for safety (part of the required annual reporting); it will greatly enhance overall oversight, hazard identification and correction; (part of the required annual self-evaluations) and it ensure greatly improved support to the field elements by making requirements much easier to fulfill (the overall e-VPP system).

Go to the Electronic Voluntary Protection Program (e-VPP) On-line Application Function

This page was last updated on January 28, 2008

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