Categories available:
Ozone Sondes South Pole Ozone Sondes
South Pole ozone profiles are measured by balloon-borne electrochemical concentration cell (ECC) ozonesondes.
Total Ozone Total Column Ozone
Keep Track of the Ozone Hole compared to historical data.
Ozone Plots South Pole Ozone and Temperature Plots
Ozone Mixing Ratio and Ambient Temperature vs. Altitude and Time
Ozone Hole Animation Ozone Hole Animations
These animations show the development of stratospheric temperatures and the Antarctic ozone hole at the South Pole. (Flash player required).
Springtime Ozone Springtime Dobson Ozone Data
Minimum Profiles Historical Minimum Profiles
Compare minimum ozone profiles since 1986.
Documentation Documentation
Info Additional Information
Other information about the ozone hole.
Eclipse over ARO