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Statistical Analysis of Non-detect Data (SAND)
Step 1 - Download R
Step 2 - Download and Install the sand package
Step 3 - Run sand examples
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Instructions for Using R-project Software for Analyzing Industrial Hygiene Data
(Including Data with Non-Detects and Non-parametric Data)

  1. Introduction: These are instructions for generating industrial hygiene metrics using R routines and MS Excel for Windows. MS Excel can be used to clean-up data, group the data, create text files for analysis and create tables and charts for final reports. Any word processing, spreadsheet, or database software could be used for creating the text file. The Statistical Analysis of Non-Detects (sand) package contains R routines that read text files and generate an output file containing metrics. The metrics generated are those recommended by the AIHA and are interpreted and used as described in the book.

  2. You should have already gone to http://www.csm.ornl.gov/esh/statoed/ and followed the instruction for installing R and the “sand” package. Now you can use R to analyze data in a text file. The text file must have at least two columns. One column contains a value and the second a 0 or 1 for non-detect or detect. Each column must have a one-word heading. The following describes one way to create the text file using MS Excel.

<hr size= 1Ignacio, J.S., and W.H. Bullock: A Strategy for Assessing and Managing Occupational Exposures, 3rd ed. Fairfax, Va.: AIHA Press, 2006.

  3. This example uses data from Table IV.3 of the AIHA book and is also the example data in the file aihand.txt included in the download from the “statoed” web site. The first column “Monitoring Data (mg/m3)” contains a mix of values and the text symbol “<”. The “Value” and “Detected 0=No 1=Yes” columns were created using a variety of Excel text editing and logic functions. For example the Excel logic function =IF(LEFT(A2,1)="<",VALUE(REPLACE(A2,1,1,0)),A2) removes the “<” symbol when it appears. While not important for a small file like this, these editing functions are very helpful when cleaning-up large data sets.

    AIHA book

  4. Columns F and G contain the values and flags that you need to convert to a text file. Copy the two columns; open a new file, select “paste special”, and “values”.

    Book 7

  5. In this case Column B has a 3 word heading “Detected 0=No 1=Yes” and this has to be changed to a one word heading such as “Detected” or “Flag”. The next step is to close the file and save in the rmain folder as a tab delimited text file. Click through the screens warning of the loss of formatting etc.

    Book 3

  6. Open the R console by double clicking on the icon in the “rmain” folder you created. Type in the command “aihand<-readss("aihand",L=5)”. The L=5 is the value of the OEL being used to interpret data. Hit “Enter” and the file is read and analyzed. Once you have typed in commands, the up and down arrows toggle through the commands you have used. If you “Save Workspace Image” at the end of the R session, the commands will be saved. With a large dataset, one often will group data into subsets based on some variable (location, time, individual, etc) and create several text files for analysis.  Use the up arrow, edit the file name command line (i.e. Bldg1<-readss("Bldg1",L=5), Bldg2<-readss("Bldg2",L=5), etc.) When the analyses are complete the prompt returns.


  7. R creates a new comma delimited text file “aihandout.csv” that contains the metrics. This can be opened with MS Excel and the two columns can be copied and pasted into spread sheet you will be using for further analysis and report writing.


  8. The “readss” command generates the following metrics. The industrial hygienist chooses those that help interpret the data. Mean and confidence intervals are useful for decisions on exposure groups and constructing job and exposure matrices. Upper tolerance limits and percent exceedance are useful for determining compliance and other day-to-day risk management decisions. Parametric and non-parametric versions of each are included.

  9. Label Metric Glossary
    mu 0.925 Maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) of mean of the log transformed data (log of GM)
    se.mu 0.099 Estimate of the standard error of mu
    sigma 0.37 MLE of standard deviation of log transformed data (log of GSD)
    se.sigma 0.079 Estimate of standard error of sigma
    GM 2.522 MLE of geometric mean
    GSD 1.447 MLE of geometric standard deviation
    EX 2.7 MLE of the EX the (arithmetic) mean
    LCLa_95 2.26 95% Lower Confidence Limit (LCL) for EX
    UCLa_95 3.226 95% Lower Confidence Limit (LCL) for EX
    KMmean 2.773 Kaplan-Meier (KM) Estimate of EX
    KM.LCL 2.29 95% LCL for KM EX
    KM.LCL 3.257 95% UCL for KM EX
    KM.se 0.269 Standard Error of KMmean
    Xp.obs 4.75 Observed 95th Percentile of data
    Xp 4.633 MLE of 95th Percentile
    Xp.LCL 3.521 MLE of 95% LCL for Xp
    Xp.UCL 6.096 MLE of the 95% Upper Tolerance Limit (UTL) of Xp
    NpUTL NA Nonparmetric estimate of the 95% UTL of Xp.
    Maximum 5.5 Largest value in data set
    nonDet% 20 The percent of Xs that are left censored
    n 15 The number of observations in the data set
    Rsq 0.969 Square of correlation for the data and standard log normal
    m 12 The number of detected Xs
    f 3.208 MLE of the percent exceeding the specified limit L
    f.LCL 0.396 MLE of 95% LCL for f
    f.UCL 14.767 MLE of 95% LCL for f
    fnp 6.667 Nonparametric estimate of f for limit L
    fnp.LCL 0.341 Nonparametric estimate of 95% LCL for f
    FnUCL_95 27.94 Nonparametric estimate of 95% LCL for f
    m2logL 41.3044 -2 times the log-likelihood function
    L 5 L is specified limit for the percent exceeding; e.g., the OEL
    P 0.95 percentile for UTL p-gamma
    gam 0.95 one-sided confidence level gamma. Default is 0.95

  10. R will generate a log probability plot (also called a Q-Q Plot) that provides a visual check of whether the data fits the lognormal model (see the AIHA book.) Creating a log probability plot requires two commands. The first command, pnd<-plend(aihand), creates a data frame. The second, qq.lnorm(pnd), generates a probability plot as a visual check of log-normality. This plot displays only detected values and displays replicates as a single data point, which aids the visual check when the data set is large. Clicking the camera button copies the image so that it can be pasted into Excel or another document.>


  11. Once the metrics and Q-Q plot have been copied into your spreadsheet, you can continue using them to generate charts and tables needed to support your data analysis and reporting.


  12. The metrics calculated by the “readss” command can also be calculated separately. The commands for these are described in the help menu, which is shown when you type “help(sand).” The “readss” routine requires at least 3 detected results to run. One function that can be used with all non-detect is “nptl(n , p = 0.95, gam = 0.95)”, which provides the order of the value in a data set with n values that corresponds to non-parametric upper tolerance limit for specified percentile and upper tolerance.


This page was last updated on February 14, 2008

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