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MADS - XML Format for Authorities Data

MADS is a MARC21-compatible XML format for the type of data carried in records in the MARC Authorities format. Each individual record is contained within <mads></mads>, and groups of MADS records can be contained within a MADS Collection (<madsCollection></madsCollection>). Consistency with MODS was a goal as much as possible.

The Authoritative Heading: <authority>

A MADS record includes one or more items. (The term "item" is used for vocabulary convenience and is not present in the xml schema or instance.) An item is an <authority>, <related>, or <variant> element. There must be exactly one <authority> and there may be any number of <related> and/or <variant> items. The items are followed by miscellaneous additional elements.

Each item has one or more descriptors; each descriptor is one of the following elements:
< name>, <titleInfo>, <topic>, <temporal>, <genre>, <geographic>,< hierarchicalGeographic> or <occupation>, described as follows:

Used for personal, corporate, event, or geographic names, corresponding to MARC Bibliographic and Authority fields 100, 110, and 111, respectively. The field is structured the same as the MODS name field.
Used in library cataloging for uniform titles. The <titleInfo> field is structured the same as the MODS titleInfo field except that it does not have the type attribute because only uniform is applicable. The field includes titles equivalent to MARC Authority fields 100 $t, 110 $t, 111 $t, and 130, which relate to MARC Bibliographic fields 130, 240, and 245.
Used for subject authorities, which may be from a variety of thesauri. It includes topical subjects, equivalent to MARC Authority field 150, which relates to the 650 field in the MARC Bibliographic format.
Used for subject authorities, which may be from a variety of thesauri. It includes temporal/chronological subjects, equivalent to MARC Authority field 148, which relates to the 648 field in the MARC Bibliographic format.
Used for genre headings, which may be from a variety of thesauri. It includes genre terms, equivalent to MARC Authority field 155, which relates to the 655 field in the MARC Bibliographic format.
Used for the authoritative names of geographic entities. It is equivalent to MARC Authority field 151, which relates to the 651 field in the MARC Bibliographic format.
Used to provide an authoritative form for hierarchical geographic names. It corresponds to MODS <hierarchicalGeographic>. It does not have an equivalent in the MARC Authority format, but relates to the 752 field in the MARC Bibliographic format.
Used to provide an authoritative form for names of occupations. It does not have an equivalent in the MARC Authority format, but relates to the 656 field in the MARC Bibliographic format.

More than one of these descriptors may be combined within an <authority> tag to control an authoritative heading that consists of multiple parts. Examples are name/title headings and subject strings with various components (e.g. <topic> and <geographic>).

Reference Headings

Each record may also have elements that contain references to the authoritative heading. These may be descriptors of the element <related> or <variant>. Both these elements are composed of the same descriptors as used under <authority>: name, titleInfo, topic, temporal, genre, geographic, hierarchicalGeographic, occupation.


The <related> element includes a name or term that has some relation to the authoritative form. It is not a variant because it is a legitimate, authoritative heading on its own. These are equivalent to "see also" references in library catalogs. The type attribute designates the type of relationship with the following values:

earlier - used for the earlier form of a name, especially corporate bodies that have changed name over time.
later - used for the later form of a name, especially corporate bodies that have changed name over time.
parentOrg - this is a name heading that gives the parent organization of a corporate name heading. There can be more than one parent organization reference on a record, as in the case of jointly held corporations.
broader - this type of reference is for subject authorities, and indicates a hierarchical relationship between two headings.
narrower - this related reference also indicates a hierarchical relationship between subject headings. There may be many narrower headings in a record.
equivalent - a heading which is equivalent to one in another catalog or thesaurus
other - a variant that does not have a specified related type. This should be used with an unspecified type of relationship or a general see also reference.


The <variant> element includes a reference as a name or term that is not considered the authoritative form. For example, if the person's authoritative name is John J. Jones, but he is sometimes referred to as J.J. Jones, then J.J. Jones can be entered as a name reference under <variant>. In library catalogs, variant headings are only used as "see" references and are not used on the catalog's bibliographic records; only authoritative headings (under <authority> in MADS) are used in the bibliographic metadata record, and the variant headings lead users to the correct heading. The type attribute designates the type of variant with the following values:

acronym - an acronym which is considered a variant of the name in <authority>. Used most frequently for corporate names. Corresponds to MARC Authority 4XX $w/0, value "d".
abbreviation - abbreviation generally applies to titles, when an abbreviation may be used for indexing or identification. It does not have an equivalent in the MARC Authority format, but relates to the field 210 in the MARC Bibliographic format.
translation - a variant which is a translation of the authoritative name or title. These are not distuinguished from other references in the MARC Authority record.
expansion - an expanded form of the name in <authority>.
other - a variant that does not have a specified variant type.

Other elements

Notes <note>

There is one note field in MADS with with a "type" attribute. The attribute is a text string and can have any value. However, there are specific type attribute values that correspond to three specific notes fields in the MARC Authorities format.

no attribute specified - If no attribute is specified the field is treated as a general note, e.g., MARC Authority 680 field.
source - Equivalent to the MARC Authority 670 field, Source Data Found. This field contains a reference to the bibliographic item or reference work where the authoritative form of the entry was found.
history - Equivalent to the MARC Authority 678 field, Biographical or Historical Data. This field can carry any additional data on the background of the person, organization or topic that is the focus of the record.
notFound - Key sources where it was not possible to find any corroborating data for the establishment of a heading are listed in this field. It is equivalent to the MARC Authority 675 field, Source Data Not Found.


The element affiliation allows for encoding the full affiliation and contact information for a person or organization, including position, organization name, address, phone and fax numbers, email address, and a date that the contact information was valid. This can be used to carry one or more affiliations related to a personal name. There is not an exact equivalent in the MARC 21 Authority format.


Includes any URL associated with the entity described in the record. Examples are an organization's Web site or a personal home page. Note that standard identifiers associated with the entity (e.g. ISTC) are included in <identifier> field.


Includes an identifier associated with the entity described in the record. The type attribute specifies the identifier scheme, which is an uncontrolled list. Example of an identifier type appropriate for a MADS record is "istc".


A field of endeavor or business, area of expertise, area of competence, etc. of a person or organization.


Extension is used to provide for additional information not covered by MADS. It may be used for elements that are local to the creator of the data, similar to MARC 9XX fields.

Record Information <recordInfo>

<recordInfo> is a wrapper element that contains subelements relating to information necessary for managing metadata. The same information is given in MADS as in MODS recordInfo.

See sample partial records


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July 8, 2008
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