A seagull flies over the California Coastal National Monument which stretches along the entire coast of California and extends 12 miles into the Pacific Ocean.  The Monument includes 20,000 rocks, islands, pinnacles and reefs.
Hikers on the Yana Trail - SRBA Rafters on the Sacramento River at Inks Creek View of the Sacramento River from the Yana trail Horseback riders on the Sacramento River Rail Trail ATV on a trail at Chappie-Shasta OHV area
BLM>California>Redding>Frequently Asked Questions
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Redding Field Office

Frequently Asked Questions

Hunting and Shooting
Land Exchange
Wild Horse

BLM manages 250,000 acres of public land in the Redding Field Office.  Users must ensure that they are on public land since much of this acreage is intermingled with private property. Nearly all accessible public land is open to camping for up to 14 days per year.  Exceptions are day use areas, e.g. Jellys Ferry, Lower Clear Creek, the Sacramento River Rail Trail and Reading Island or areas closed for safety or environmental concerns.

How many campgrounds does BLM have in the Redding area?
Three- Douglas City $10 per night, open year round, (weather permitting), Junction City, at $10 per night May 1 - Oct 31 (weather permitting), and Steel Bridge, open year round at $5 per night(weather permitting).

Can you camp at Reading Island?
Yes.  Camping is available for "groups" only, the cost is $90 per night, or $4 per person, whichever is greater. Download the permit application packet for Reading Island.

Can I camp on BLM for free?
Yes.  You can camp on BLM land for free up to 14 days per calendar year.  Some areas are closed to camping, such as developed day use areas, parking lots and some other areas that are posted as closed to camping. 

For more information on camping within the Redding resource area
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The Redding Field Office at 355 Hemsted Drive, Redding, CA 96002 (Phone: 530/224-2100) sells 1:100,000 scale maps that show BLM ownership as well as other ownerships. The maps are $4.00 each. Topographic maps, both 7.5 and 15 minute scales, are available at many local sporting goods stores and drafting supply stores in Redding.  The BLM status maps are available online: Maps available for sale
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Hunting and Shooting
Hunting is allowed on most public land unless posted as closed, e.g. hiking trails, developed recreation areas and safety zones near housing.  Access may be limited by privately owned lands.  Permission from the landowner will be required in these cases.  Game species found on BLM lands include quail, deer, waterfowl, dove, pig, bear and turkey.  Seasons, closures, limits and other regulations are specified by the California Department of Fish and Game (DFG).  For information about hunting regulations and Tehama Wildlife Area, contact the Regional Office at 601 Locust Street P.O Box 1480 Redding, CA 96001 (530) 225-2300 or go to the DFG website. The Redding Field Office at 355 Hemsted Drive, Redding, CA 96002 (Phone: 530/224-2100) sells 1:100,000 scale maps that show BLM ownership as well as other ownerships. The maps are $4.00 each. Topographic maps, both 7.5 and 15 minute scales, are available at many local sporting goods stores and drafting supply stores in Redding.  The BLM status maps are available online: Maps available for sale

Target shooters enjoy areas West of Swasey Drive (shotguns only) near Redding, 3 miles North of Keswick along Iron Mountain Road, and Spring Branch Road off of Jellys Ferry Road in Tehama County. Please use paper targets and pick up your trash when you leave

Where can I hunt on BLM land?
You can hunt most of the BLM land in the Redding area.
Some restrictions are:

1.  Land inside the city limits of Redding (closed by local authority).

2.  The Horsetown Clear Creek preserve (an agreement is currently in effect with this preserve to close hunting in the area).

3.  Land posted with no hunting signs by BLM.

4.  Developed recreation facilities (some examples are campgrounds, parking lots and boat ramps).

5.  All state and local laws apply.

For more information on hunting and shooting in the Redding Area click here.
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Public lands are no longer open to homesteading.  The Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 repealed the homestead laws in all states except Alaska which was closed to homesteading in 1986.  Many parcels of public land are, however, available for acquisition within the Redding Field Office.  These lands were determined surplus to Federal needs in 1993 and are being disposed via exchange (at fair market value) to acquire private lands in important areas for the public.
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Is Chappie-Shasta OHV area made of decomposed granite?
No.  The area is rocky and extremely rough.

How many acres is the Chappie-Shasta OHV area?
55,000 Total
22,000 Private
16,500 BLM
16,500 USFS

How many miles of roads/trails are there?
There are roughly 200 miles of roads/trails.

Do vehicles have to be "stickered"?
Yes, all motorized vehicles must be legal for highway use or be legal for off highway use.  There are two different stickers (red and green) both stickers cost $21 for 2 years. These stickers can be obtained from the DMV.  A green sticker is for off-highway vehicles that meet EPA standards.  A red sticker is for OHVs that do not meet EPA standards, but have restricted seasons of use.  The period of use for Chappie-Shasta is from October 1st to May 31st

Are there any campgrounds at the Chappie-Shasta OHV area?
Yes.  The USFS has one campground there, $11 per night.  There are 30 sites with tables.  There are no electrical hookups, water is available in the staging area, and there are a couple of sets of vault toilets.

The legal minimum age to ride an OHV is 16 years of age.  The same law applies to personal water craft.
For more information on the Chappie-Shasta OHV Area click here.
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To file a Mining Claim after you locate it on the ground:
1)Check land status and for other claims at BLM.
2)Check county courthouse (of the county where the claim is located).
3)File a copy of the Claim Notice at the county (recorder's office).
4)File a copy of the Claim Notice with BLM in Sacramento
a) 2800 Cottage Way Suite W-1618 Sacramento CA 95825
b) $135 initial cost for location and filing fees

How much does it cost to own a mining claim?
$135 is the initial cost to file a mining claim.  The assessment fees are $100 per year per claim; or, if you have 10 or fewer claims you can perform $100 worth of assessment work and file a small miners waiver for $5 per year.

When is the assessment work due?
The small miners waiver is due by September 1.  The affidavit of assessment work is due by December 30.

The first year the claim is filed, you may not have to file assessment work, but you do have to file a Notice of Intent to Hold.  It is easier to pay the $5 and file the small miners' waiver and affidavit of assessment work.

If I pay the $100, do I have to file anything with the county?
Yes.  You must still file the Affidavit with the county, it has to say "Paid $100 to BLM".

Can I dredge on BLM?
Yes.  If you dredge anywhere in California you must obtain a dredge permit from the Department of Fish and Game.  The permit is $75 per year for residents, and more for out of state dredgers.  Call Fish and Game for out of state prices.  Dredging is allowed on any BLM managed land that is open to mining.  Check with the BLM for closures and other mining claims.

Can I pan on BLM?
Yes.  There is no permit required to pan.  You can pan on any BLM land, except land which is claimed by someone.

What is a small miner?
A small miner is someone with less than 10 claims.
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Land Exchange
Is there any BLM land for sale?
BLM does not sell land outright.  Land is exchanged at fair market value, not acre for acre.  BLM tends to use a third party organization to do large land exchanges (it costs the same whether a quarter of an acre is exchanged or a quarter of a million acres is exchanged).  If you are interested in a particular piece of land please write a letter to our office and give the township, range and section of the land, or your best description of the land.  Maps are available that show which lands are available for exchange and where BLM wishes to acquire lands.

What are Master Title Plats, Surveys and Field Notes
Master Title Plats:
show ownership of parcels of property in a Township.  MTP's show which parcels are private and which parcels are public.  They also show case files numbers, Ditches and Canals and lots of other important information.
Field Notes: are the written descriptions of the work that is done in the field.  The field notes describe trees, creeks trails and other things seen while surveying.
Surveys: are the "maps" that are drawn using the Field Notes when you return to the office.
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Wild Horse and Burro
Wild horses and burros are available for adoption using silent auction bidding.  If a horse or burro is not adopted during the auction, they will be available for $125 on a first come first served basis.  There are several restrictions, these are a few:
Must be 18 years of age.
Must be US resident.
Must not have a conviction for inhumane treatment of animals.
Must have adequate facilities for the animal or arrangements for the animal to be taken care of.
There are a couple of brochures available at most BLM offices that have quite a bit of useful information:

So You'd Like to Adopt

Adopt a Living Legend

There are also two quarterly publications available:

National Wild Horse and Burro News
US Department of the Interior
Bureau of Land Management
Nevada State Office
PO Box 12000
Reno NV 89520-0006
(755) 861-6400

The Journal
American Mustang & Burro Association
PO Box 788
Lincoln CA 95648 
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