Quaternary Fault and Fold Database for the United States

Marfa 1° x 2° Sheet

Home > US Map > Texas

El Paso
Van Horn
Emory Peak
905 Amargosa fault, Mexico
906a Caballo fault, northern section
906b Caballo fault, southern section
912 East Baylor Mountains-Carrizo Mountain fault
913 West Eagle Mountains-Red Hills fault
914 Ice Cream Cone fault
915 West Indio Mountains fault
916 East Eagle Mountains fault
918a West Lobo Valley fault zone, Fay section
918b West Lobo Valley fault zone, Neal section
918c West Lobo Valley fault zone, Mayfield section
918d West Lobo Valley fault zone, Sierra Vieja section
919 West Wylie Mountains fault
920 Unnamed fault southeast of Candelaria
MX-104 Unnamed fault (Mexico)
MX-105 Unnamed fault (Mexico)

Last modified March 16, 2006
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