Quaternary Fault and Fold Database for the United States

Las Cruces 1° x 2° Sheet

Home > US Map > New Mexico

Silver City Las Cruces Carlsbad
El Paso
Van Horn
901 Hueco fault zone
2051a Artillery Range fault, northern section
2051b Artillery Range fault, southern section
2052a Organ Mountains fault, Cox Ranch section
2052b Organ Mountains fault, southern section
2053b San Andres Mountains fault, central section
2053c San Andres Mountains fault, southern section
2055 Unnamed fault/monocline
2056b Jornada Draw fault, central section
2056c Jornada Draw fault, southern section
2057 Unnamed fold
2061 East Tonuco fault
2062 Unnamed intrabasin faults
2063 East Robledo fault
2064 West Robledo fault
2065 Fitzgerald fault
2066 East Potrillo fault
2070 Unnamed fault east of Black Mountain
2073 Camel Mountain fault
2074 Unnamed fault north of Eagles Nest
2075 West Florida Mountains fault
2077 Unnamed faults and folds on La Mesa
2078 Ward Tank fault
2079 Sierra Kemado fault
2080 Hackler Tank fault
2081 Sierra de las Uvas fault zone
2082 Unnamed faults south of Placitas Arroyo
2083 East Rincon Hills fault
2084 Blue Mountain fault
2085 Black Hills fault
2086 Derry fault
2087a Red Hills fault, northern section
2087b Red Hills fault, southern section
2088b Caballo fault, central section
2089 Unnamed fold northwest of Rincon
2098 Foothills fault
2099 Central fault
2105 Unnamed faults west of Caballo Reservoir
2139 Unnamed fault west of Hatch
Last modified September 8, 2008
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