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Interactive Map Service Help

When using the software, please notice the text tags that will appear as you hold your cursor over a tool or map area. These text tags will let you know what the tool does and what links are available. Text description of a tool also appears in a window below the map. Please look at the help page for information about the tools.

Turn layers on and off in the table of contents (right side bar.) Refresh the map to view the changes.


Data from the faults and fault areas layers can be extracted. All other layers have been disabled. We do not create the basemap data and so do not provide it. The locations of trenches on faults are not released, as some are on private property. All have been closed after examination and mapping. Please see the reports about these features.

Data in the view you see on the screen will be extracted, zipped and saved to your machine. These are in shapefile format. Data is in geographic coordinates. See the FAQ for help in converting shapefiles to another format.


Not all functions within the browsers work on the Macintosh platform, but the most commonly used ones do. With Netscape, I have found if the map view does not appear (you see a white screen with the title "Loading Viewer"), click the 'reload' button on the browser navigation bar several times until the map loads. (Once the screen shows a gray background, the map is loading.)


If identity/find/hotlink tools do not appear to work, check browser settings and ensure that pop-ups are allowed.

zoom in Zoom in
zoom out Zoom out
Table of Contents Show layer or legend
toggle Overview Turn overview map on or off
zoom to last map extent Zoom to last extent
pan image Pan
hot link to text database Hotlink - see note below
identify feature Identify - see note below
query database Query - create a Boolean string and search for features
find string Find - search for a text string in the active feature text fields
clear selected features Clear Selection
select features in polygon Select features by rectangle
select feature Select feature by line or polygon
clear selected features Clear Selection
measure distance Measure distance
set map units Set map units (currently in degrees, e.g., set to km for measurements)
print image Print map
zip and ship Extract visible data as shapefile, zip files for download
Please note the differences between the identity tool identify feature, and hotlink tool hotlink to text database. The identity tool will show tabular information about a feature in the 'Active Layer' (see table of contents on the right side of the map) when you click near a feature. If 'Faults' is the active layer, you will see a table of information about a fault you clicked near. One of the tabular items in the Faults layer is a hotlink to the text database for the Quaternary Faults and Folds. You can click on the link and go to the database. Alternatively, if you use the hotlink tool and click on a fault, you will directly open a new window with the database entry for that fault.