The Library of Congress >> Global Gateway >> Portals to the World >> Uzbekistan
Portals to the World: Links to Electronic Resources from Around the World selected by Library of Congress Subject Experts
Selected Internet Resources

Geography and Environment: Uzbekistan

Basic narratives about historical and contemporary geographical and environmental issues of Uzbekistan, listings of online cartographic and toponymic websites.

Created and maintained by the
 African & Middle Eastern Division,
Collections and Services Directorate

CIA -- The World Factbook - Uzbekistan (


UT library online, Perry-Castañeda (
Features an online collection of maps of current and general interest.

U.S. Library of Congress. Geography and Maps Division (

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  African and Middle Eastern countries - African and Middle Eastern Reading Room

  Library of Congress >> Global Gateway >> Portals to the World >> Uzbekistan
  July 6, 2005
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