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Staff News

This new column in CAM at the NIH announces recent NCCAM staff changes that may especially be of interest to the scientific and medical communities.

New Appointments

Linda C. Duffy, Ph.D., has been appointed as a program officer. She will oversee such portfolio areas as probiotics, pediatrics, and gastrointestinal diseases. Dr. Duffy, who was formerly with NIH's National Center for Research Resources, earned her Ph.D. in medical sociology and epidemiology/biostatistics from the State University of New York at Buffalo.

Adeline Xiao-Ying Ge, M.D., O.M.D., Lic. Ac., has joined NCCAM's Complementary and Integrative Medicine Consult Service, at the NIH Clinical Center, as senior Chinese medicine consultant. Dr. Ge was formerly on the Rehabilitation Medicine Department staff of the Clinical Center. She is a graduate of Jiangsu University Medical School and Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Dr. Killen viewing an exhibit

Jack Killen, M.D., Acting Deputy Director of NCCAM, is pictured during his trip to China in November 2007. Dr. Killen represented Michael O. Leavitt, Secretary of Health and Human Services; Elias Zerhouni, M.D., NIH Director; and Ruth L. Kirschstein, M.D., former Acting Director of NCCAM, at the "International TCM Conference for Cooperation in Science and Technology," held in Beijing. He also met with Chinese government and scientific officials and representatives to advance the goals of a Letter of Intent on International Collaboration in Complementary, Alternative, and Traditional Medicine Research signed by the People's Republic of China and the United States in 2006 and to discuss additional opportunities in collaborative research.

Here, Dr. Killen views an historical exhibit of the Institute of Information on Traditional Chinese Medicine, part of the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences.
