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Visitors Center thumbnail image- click for close-up view Visitors Center
The Visitors Center provides an excellent central starting point for all visitors to the U.S. Military Academy. The center offers historical and informational videos, parking, rest rooms, a gift shop, maps, pamphlets, a full-scale cadet barracks room, and a movie theater; arrangements for guided tours can also be made.

The original Visitors Center was officially opened May 1, 1952, in the field artillery sheds at the south end of post -- a site now occupied by the provost marshal’s office. The current Visitors Center, which opened September 1, 1989, on the site of the former Ladycliff College Library, continues to attract, educate and inform the public about the Academy and its environs. Nearly 3 million people visit West Point each year, including alumni, friends and families of West Point cadets, school groups, senior citizens groups, and tourists from throughout America and the world. The U.S. Military Academy is one of the top three tourist attractions in New York, according to the New York State Department of Tourism.

The Visitors Center is open daily, with the exception of Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day. Operating hours are from 9 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Call (845) 938-2638 for information. For guided bus tours, please contact (845) 446-4724.