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Postsecondary Faculty

Reports are listed by publication release date, in descending order.


Gender and Racial/Ethnic Differences in Salary and other Characteristics of Postsecondary Faculty

By Ellen Bradburn and Anna Sikora

This report describes gender and racial/ethnic differences in salaries and other characteristics of full-time instructional faculty and staff in fall 1998 using NSOPF:99 data. Differences between men and women and among four racial/ethnic groups—White non-Hispanic, Asian/Pacific Islander, Black non-Hispanic, and Hispanic faculty—are examined with respect to the institutions and appointments, education and experience, and teaching and research activities of these faculty. In addition, a regression analysis examines whether salary differences by gender and race/ethnicity persist when controlling for all of these types of factors.

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Teaching Undergraduates in U.S. Postsecondary Institutions: Fall 1998

By Xianglei Chen

Using the 1998–99 National Study of Postsecondary Faculty (NSOPF:99), this report examines the extent to which instructional faculty and staff in postsecondary institutions were involved in undergraduate teaching in fall 1998. Specifically, this report examines who, among postsecondary instructional faculty and staff, were more likely to teach undergraduates. It also explores the teaching loads of those who taught undergraduate classes for credit and the teaching practices that they used for their undergraduate teaching.

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Teaching With Technology: Use of Telecommunications Technology by Postsecondary Instructional Faculty and Staff in Fall 1998

By Edward Warburton, Xianglei Chen, and Ellen Bradburn

This report uses data from the 1999 National Study of Postsecondary Faculty (NSOPF:99) to examine postsecondary instructional faculty and staff’s access to and use of electronic mail (e-mail) and the Internet. Though these telecommunications technologies are rapidly becoming core components of the instructional experience of students in the U.S., little descriptive information exists at the national level to inform basic questions about technology use and teaching in postsecondary education. Specifically, this report provides answers to the following questions: Who has access to telecommunications technology, such as electronic mail and the Internet? Who uses it for teaching purposes and how much do they use it?

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Distance Education Instruction by Postsecondary Faculty and Staff: Fall 1998

By Ellen Bradburn

Using the 1998–99 National Study of Postsecondary Faculty, this study examines who, among postsecondary faculty and staff, was more likely to teach various types of distance classes. It also explores how those who taught such classes differed from those who did not in terms of workload, compensation, interaction with students, classroom practices, and job satisfaction. Overall, those who taught distance classes had a higher workload than those who did not. They were also more likely to communicate with their students by e-mail and to use Websites for their classes.

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Background Characteristics, Work Activities, and Compensation of Faculty and Instructional Staff in Postsecondary Institutions: Fall 1998

By Linda Zimbler

This publication is the first from the 1999 National Study of Postsecondary Faculty (NSOPF:99), a study of faculty and instructional staff in postsecondary institutions in the United States. This report describes the background characteristics, work activities, and compensation of faculty and instructional staff in public and private not-for-profit 2-year-and-above postsecondary institutions.

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