

Special Status Plants of the Folsom Field Office

This plant guide identifies the special status plants that are known to occur on public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management, but they may only be suspected on land administered by the Folsom Field Office.  To view a photograph and more information on an individual plant, click on the plant's common name below. To see a complete list of all plants, regardless of if it is known or suspected, click here.

Jepson's onion

Jepson's Onion

Allium jepsonii
Rawhide Hill onion

Rawhide Hill Onion

Allium tuolumnense
Ione Manzanita

Ione Manzanita

Arctostaphylos myrtifolia
Nissenan Manzanita; Photo Copyright 1992 David Graber

Nissenan Manzanita

Arctostaphylos nissenana
Big-Scaled Balsamroot

Big-Scaled Balsamroot

Balsamorhiza macrolepis var. macrolepis
Stebbins' morning glory

Stebbins' Morning Glory

Calystegia stebbinsii
Beaked Clarkia; Photo Copyright 1996 Dean Wm. Taylor

Beaked Clarkia

Clarkia rostrata
Photo Copyright 2004 Dean Wm. Taylor

Brandegee's Clarkia

Clarkia biloba ssp. brandegeae
Cantelow's Lewisia; Photo Copyright 1990 Arthur H. Bazell, M.D.

Cantelow's Lewisia

Lewisia cantelovii
Ione Buckwheat

Ione Buckwheat

Eriogonum apricum var. apricum
Mariposa Catseye; Photo Copyright Charles Webber California Academy of Sciences

Mariposa Cryptantha

Cryptantha mariposae
Pine Hill Ceanothus

Pine Hill Ceanothus

Ceanothus roderickii
Pine Hill flannelbush; Photo Copyright J.S. Peterson USDA NRCS NPDC

Pine Hill Flannelbush

Fremontodendron decumbens
Red Hills Ragwort

Red Hills Ragwort

Senecio clevelandii var. heterophyllus
California Vervain; Photo Copyright 1982 Dean Wm. Taylor

California Vervain

Verbena californica
Mariposa Clarkia

Mariposa Clarkia

Clarkia biloba ssp. australis
Tuolumne Fawn-Lily

Tuolumne Fawn-Lily

Erythronium tuolumnense
Shaggyhair Lupine

Shaggyhair Lupine

Lupinus spectabilis
Congdon's lomatium

Congdon's Lomatium

Lomatium congdonii
El Dorado bedstraw

El Dorado Bedstraw

Galium californicum ssp. sierrae
El Dorado mule ears

El Dorado Mule Ears

Wyethia reticulata
Layne's butterweed

Layne's Butterweed

Packera layneae
Parry's horkelia

Parry's Horkelia

Horkelia parryi
Red Hills soaproot

Red Hills Soaproot

Chlorogalum grandiflorum
Slender-stemmed monkeyflower

Slender-Stemmed Monkeyflower

Mimulus filicaulis

Special status plants are those plants whose survival is of concern due to 1) their limited distribution, 2) low number of individuals and/or populations, and 3) potential threats to habitat.  The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) uses the term "special status plants" to include: http://www.blm.gov/publish/content/ca/en/prog/ssp/main_status.html1) Federal endangered, threatened,proposed and candidate species; 2) California State endangered, threatened, and rare species; and 3) BLM Sensitive plants. Sensitive plants are those species that do not occur on Federal or state lists, but which are designated by the BLM State Director for special management consideration.

It is BLM policy to manage for the conservation of special status plants and their associated habitats and to ensure that actions authorized, funded, or carried out do not contribute to the need to list any species as threatened or endangered.