Location: Bldg 4106 (Main Clinic, First Floor)
Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 0730-1630 (Closed Holidays & Weekends)
Phone: (719) 333-0525
Fax: 333-9774/5854

USAFA Refractive Surgery Center opened it's door 4 March 2001. Refractive Clinic's day to day operations are run by active duty ophthalmologist, civilian contract optometrist and support staff.

      Guidelines for treatment prioritization:

Priority 1: Personnel assigned to AF Aviation and Aviation-Related Special Duty career fields. Not included are permanently disqualified aircrew and/or former aviators who have cross-trained from aviation career duties.

Priority 2: Personnel whose routine military duties require wear of Night Vision Goggles (NCG), eye protection, or respiratory protection. This does not include nuclear biological chemical (NBC) masks worn only for deployment.

Priority 3: Personnel who do not meet any of the above criteria in his/her current military duties. The USAFA Refractive Surgery Center is open to all active duty U.S. Air Force members, age 21 years old or older, to include active Guard and Reserve (AGR) personnel. U.S. Army, Coast Guard, Marine, and Navy personnel may also apply.

For those interested in applying through the USAFA Refractive Surgery Clinic Center, simply email us at http://www.refractiveeyesurgery.org and we would be happy to send you all of the required documentation that pertains to our clinic. Please provide your name, duty telephone, branch of service, and military installation you are currently assigned in your e-mail request.

To learn more about refractive surgery, visit www.refractiveeyesurgery.org

U.S. Air Force Academy, USAFA, CO 80840, (719) 333-1110 DSN: 333-1110, 08 Jan 09
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