4102 Pinion Dr
USAFA, CO 80840
Commercial Phone: 719–333–5582
DSN: 333–5582

      What is Chiropractic?

In the military, chiropractors treat nerve, muscle and joint pain by non-drug or non–surgical techniques. Though, we work with your physician, who may prescribe medication when necessary.

Our goal is to find where the pain is coming from, and why it is there, and to get you better as fast as possible, and then to keep the pain from returning.

Our main technique, especially for neck and back pain, is called an "adjustment," or "manipulation." There are many different techniques. Our goal is to find the most effective and most comfortable for each person.

We also use exercises, different forms of soft tissue therapy, heat, ice, ultrasound, and other therapies as necessary to treat our patients. Our approach is very "hands–on."

      What can Chiropractors Treat?

In the military, chiropractors can see patients with "neuro-musculoskeletal conditions typical among military personnel on active duty." (NDAA 2001)

Examples of what this means are:
  • Mid and Low Back Pain
  • Sciatica
  • Neck Pain
  • Headaches
  • Neck, Shoulder and Arm pain
  • Rib pain
  • Backache from Pregnancy
  • And More (call if you have a question)
      Who is eligible for Chiropractic Services?

The National Defense Authorization Act of 2001 made chiropractic a benefit only for active duty military.

It is not a benefit of Tri-Care. If dependents or retirees would like chiropractic care, at this time, it will be at their own expense, and not at a military facility.

      Where can we get Chiropractic treatment?

10th Medical Group, USAF Academy Hospital Community Center Clinic (by Physical Therapy)

Chiropractic services are available ONLY at those bases that presently have a chiropractic clinic.

Tri-Care will not cover chiropractic services outside these facilities:

ARMY: Forts Benning, Bliss, Bragg, Campbell, Carson, Drum, Gordon, Hood, Jackson, Knox, Leonard Wood, Lewis, Meade, Sill, Stewart, and Tripler and Walter Reed Army Medical Centers.

AIR FORCE: US Air Force Academy, Andrews, Barksdale, Davis-Monthan, Eglin, Keesler, Lackland, Langley, McGuire, Offut, Scott, Tinker, Travis, Wright-Patterson, Elmendorf, Kirtland, Luke, MacDill, and Maxwell Air Force Base.

NAVY: Camp LeJune and Pendleton, Jacksonville NAS, MCAS Cherry Point, NNMC Bethesda, NH Beaufort, NH Bremerton, NMC Portsmouth, NMC San Diego, NH Great Lakes, NH Pensacola, Pearl Harbor, Twentynine Palms, .

      How can I get an appointment with the Chiropractor?

We are a now a SELF–REFERRAL clinic, so you do NOT need a referral. To make an appointment just call our clinic directly at: 333–5582 It is that easy.

U.S. Air Force Academy, USAFA, CO 80840, (719) 333-1110 DSN: 333-1110, 08 Jan 09
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