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The Campaign to Rescue and Restore Victims of Human Trafficking

1789 West Jefferson • P.O. Box 6123 • Phoenix, Arizona 85005

Janet Napolitano

David A. Berns



April 21, 2004

Mary Jo Joyce
Capital City Partners

Dear Ms Joyce:

It is with great pleasure that I offer strong support for the Phoenix Rescue & Restore Project campaign, one of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' (DHHS) three city pilot public awareness projects regarding the problem of Human Trafficking. A critical component of the Rescue & Restore campaign is the creation of the Trafficking Information and Referral Hotline, that will connect victims of trafficking to Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) who can help victims in their local area.

Raising public awareness about the exploitative and dangerous trade of human trafficking is essential to combating this growing problem. The covert, dangerous, and prospering nature of trafficking emboldens its perpetuation. With public involvement and support, human traffickers can be exposed, stopped, and prosecuted.

We also applaud The Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2003 (TVPRA), that renews the U.S. government's commitment to identify and assist victims exploited for labor or sex in the United States and worldwide.

RRP is pleased to be part of the campaign to aid Trafficking Victims and looks forward to working with others involved in helping them to attain freedom and human dignity.


Charles Shipman, State Refugee Coordinator
Arizona Refugee Resettlement Program

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Last Updated: May 10, 2004