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Government Technology: State & Local Government News Articles


Schwarzenegger Announces Plan to Reorganize California's Information Technology - 5:05PM

"With more than 400 online services available, Californians are increasingly interacting with government through Internet browsers instead of offices."
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Thought Leadership Essentials from CDG

  • Real Life. Live. Real Life. Live. Real life has become complicated again. The country has begun to work through a systemic credit crisis that is changing the way things work on Wall Street and Main Street - and under the capitol domes of government.

    There are competing proposals about how to restructure institutions in the wake of the crisis, each reflecting different compromises on the continuum of market-based approaches to an increased regulatory environment to outright government ownership.
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Editor's Choice Article

Washington uses Web to Ease Voter Registration

- Jan 12, 2009

Visit Washington state's home page and you'll easily find the voter-information section - a sterling example of how software, hardware and the Internet converge to make it easier for citizens to exercise their civic rights. Users can register online, print voter-registration forms in several languages and view personalized information like candidates' statements and online address change options. The creation of these features was spurred by the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) - a federal law that changed how Americans vote.

When President George W. Bush signed HAVA on Oct. 29, 2002, he authorized the federal government to modernize voting systems for the 21st century. HAVA provided federal government funds for states to make the upgrades, and the federal government also created the U.S. Election Assistance Commission to set standards for how states administer elections. The act mandated that states replace outdated voting methods and give citizens the option to vote when officials can't verify eligibility. HAVA also required states to establish a statewide voter-registration ...Continue Article...

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  • Turning Garbage Into Energy
    Turning Garbage Into Energy
    City Manager Ray Kerridge describes Sacramento, Calif.''s plan to vaporize solid waste using a technology known as plasma arc gasification.

  • LAX on the Web
    LAX on the Web
    Upgrading has been in progress for a year, incorporating many Web 2.0 techniques.

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