Technology Transfer Program
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The Technology Transfer and Outreach Program of the Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) is designed to leverage the research capabilities of the ERDC scientists with a wide range of partners and more efficiently serve other Federal agencies.

The Office of Technology Transfer and Outreach (OTTO) provides a link between the various research elements of ERDC and potential partners including the private sector, state and local governments, other Federal agencies, and educational institutions. ERDC scientists have a long history of successful collaboration with these organizations.. The ERDC Technology Transfer and Outreach Program is primarily based on a series of United States laws beginning in 1980, to promote technology transfer and to provide appropriate mechanisms and incentives. The ERDC program to implement the Federal Technology Transfer Act (FTTA) of 1986 and other relevant authorities has several components:

  • sharing research results through reports, articles, and presentations
  • entering into formal collaborative relationships for mission-related research
  • patenting inventions
  • licensing inventions
For more information on mechanisms through which your organization can partner with ERDC, click on the link that corresponds to the type of entity. Details of selected mechanisms is provided at "Partnering Mechanisms".
Private Industry (U.S.)

Non-Profits (U.S.)

State, Local, Tribal Government

Academic Institutions (U.S.)

Department of Defense Agencies (U.S.)

Non-Department of Defense Federal Agencies (U.S.)

Foreign Private Industry or Academia

Foreign Non-Profit or International Organizations

Foreign Government Agencies

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