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Child & Adult Care Food Program

Child Care Recipes

From old favorites like pancakes and sloppy Joes, to popular new dishes like taco salad and Mexican pizza, Child Care Recipes will help you put together great tasting, nutritious meals that young children will love.  Child Care Recipes is a new collection of recipes that has been developed just for child care centers.  Each recipe contributes to a reimbursable meal served to children in CACFP.

This collection contains standardized recipes and kitchen tips that will make menu planning and food preparation easy.  As recommended in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (PDF), the recipes help you add variety to your menus, with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and grain products.  The recipes were developed in quantities of 25 and 50 servings.  They have been tested, and retested, for product quality, consistency, and yield in child care centers nationwide.

Using standardized recipes will save you time and money.  The recipes will help you keep meal quality high, and production costs, and time, down.  With Child Care Recipes, you can achieve the same excellent quality, meal after meal.  Use it alongside the Nutrition Guidance for Child Care Centers.

How can you get your copy?  If your center participates in  CACFP, contact your State agency for a copy of Child Care Recipes. 

Last modified: 10/31/2008