A seagull flies over the California Coastal National Monument which stretches along the entire coast of California and extends 12 miles into the Pacific Ocean.  The Monument includes 20,000 rocks, islands, pinnacles and reefs.
Desert cactus in bloom Dos Palmas Windmills at the base of the Santa Rosa Mountains Firefighter working a prescribed burn Bighorn Sheep
BLM>California>Palm Springs-South Coast>Chuckwalla-Palen Mountains Wilderness Area
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Palm Springs-South Coast Field Office

Chuckwalla - Palen

The Chuckwalla - Palen area includes a large portion of the Colorado subdivision of the Sonoran Desert in eastern Riverside County, California.�� The topography is composed of rugged islands of dissected mountains, sweeping valleys with endless vistas, woodland forests along desert washes, and great expanses of sand.� Public land ownership is in large blocks throughout most of the area, supporting a patchwork of human uses (cultural, historical and present day) as well as complex ecological systems.

A significant portion of the area is in congressionally designated wilderness, generally with low acreages of private or state in holdings.� There are two long term visitor areas and a developed campground, as well a numerous back country roads and trails, including the Bradshaw Trail.� A large portion of the area is in designated critical habitat for desert tortoise and the entire area� is dotted with important watering and riparian areas for wildlife.� Important utility corridors cross the area linking Arizona with the densely populated areas of southern California and the small communities of Blythe, Chiraco Summit and Desert Center are set amidst public lands.�

The Chuckwalla-Palen area contains seven CDPA wilderness areas. They include the Big Maria Mountains, Chuckwalla Mountains, Little Chuckwalla Mountains, Orocopia Mountains, Palen-McCoy, Rice Valley and Riverside Mountains Wildernesses.

O b j e c t i v e s

1. Provide protection and enhancement for biological values, with emphasis on riparian systems, desert tortoise, and describing ecological trends.

2. Identify, maintain, and enhance recreational and long term visitor opportunities.

3. Provide for effective management and protection of wilderness areas.

4. Work with Border Patrol and Riverside County to provide for safety and security for visitors and facilities, to discourage illegal uses.

5. Provide for community infrastructure needs to support the people of Southern California, with emphasis on energy transmission and support to the small desert communities.