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History & Culture
History and Culture titleimage of jewelry found at Chaco Canyon

How To...

Apply for a Lighthouse
Document a Historic Site
List in the National Register
Apply for a Grant
Get a Tax Credit

The experience gained from caring for more than 115 million museum objects and archives, 66,000 archeological sites, and 27,000 historic buildings in national parks and as a preservation leader in the heritage community has been turned into policies and procedures that guide National Park Service management and often serve as a model for others. Many of these tools for museum management, archeological site management, and historic building preservation are online.

The National Park Service also has developed technical guidance, publications, and training to share its expertise in documenting historic buildings and structures through the Historic American Buildings Survey, Historic American Engineering Record, and Historic American Landscapes Survey, in recognizing significant properties in the National Register of Historic Places and as National Historic Landmarks, and in encouraging private investment in rehabilitating historic properties through the Federal Historic Preservation Tax Incentives Program.
Archeology Technical Briefs
Guidance on archeological site preservation, public outreach, management, and legal issues.

National Archeological Data Base (NADB)
Information on public archeology for the historic preservation community. The NADB-Reports module is a bibliographic inventory of gray literature on archeological investigations.

Managing Archeological Collections
Distance learning course covers caring for archeological collections (objects, records, reports, and digital data) in all kinds of places (the field, the archeologist's office, the lab, and the repository.)

Vanishing Treasures
Documentation and repair of deteriorating ruins, training a new generation of craftsmen, and standards and a plan for preserving ruins.

Manage a collection
Handmade pot for San Ildefonso Pueblo, 1960s, in the collection of Bandelier National Monument, New Mexico
Museum Handbook
Reference guide on how to manage, reserve, document, access, and use museum and archival collections.

Conserve O Gram
Technical guidance on procedures, techniques, and materials to care for museum objects.

Disaster Plan
Planning for emergencies and the salvage and care of paper objects during fires, floods, and earthquakes.

Preserve historic places
Image of shotgun houses in Memphis, Tennessee
Checklist for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings
How to evaluate a historic building before planning a preservation project.

Technical Publications on Historic Buildings
Best practices for caring for historic buildings, preserving historic building materials, and addressing common preservation and rehabilitation challenges.

On line Preservation Education
Topics range from planning a preservation project to for a historic house.

Working on the Past in Local Historic Districts
How local historic districts and preservation ordinances help preserve historic buildings and communities.

Determine and Document Significance
Learn how to evaluate and register diverse historic places from battlefields to cemeteries to suburbs in the National Register of Historic Places.
Image of Chaco Culture National Historical Park Did You Know?
At Pueblo del Arroyo in Chaco Culture National Historical Park, cores archeologists took from a wooden beam revealed it was made from a Douglas fir tree cut in 1103.

History and Culture