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Schirra, Stafford and Gemini on Deck Main Content
NASA Center: Johnson Space Center
Image # : S65-61819
Date : 12/16/1965


Schirra, Stafford and Gemini on Deck

Full Description

Astronaut Walter H. Schirra Jr. (on right), Command pilot, climbs from his Gemini VI spacecraft as he and Astronaut Thomas P. Stafford (not in view) arrive aboard the aircraft carrier U.S.S. Wasp. They are assisted by various McDonell Douglas technicians. The Gemini VI spacecraft splashed down in the western Atlantic recover area at 10:29 a.m. (EST) December 16, 1965, after a successful 25 hr. 52 minute mission in space.


Gemini 6 Gemini VI USS Wasp Splashdown Walter Schirra Wally Schirra Thomas Stafford Tom Stafford

Subject Category


Reference Numbers

  • Center: JSC
  • Center Number: S65-61819
  • GRIN DataBase Number: GPN-2000-001412

Source Information

  • Creator/Photographer: NASA
  • Original Source: DIGITAL

Image Information ( Copyright Notification )

Thumbnail .jpg 70 90 15
Small .jpg 500 640 285
Medium .jpg 1171 1500 1,198
Large .jpg 2342 3000 3,956

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Updated October 31, 2002
• History Questions: NASA History Office
• Responsible NASA Official: Steve Garber
• Author: Michael Hahn.  Editor: Dwayne A. Day
• Curator & Technical Questions: Erin Needham
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