National Nuclear Security Administration

Program Objectives

The objectives of the Stewardship Science Academic Alliances Program are to:

  • Grow the U.S. scientific community, through the funding of research projects at universities, in areas of fundamental science and technology relevant to stockpile stewardship, with a focus on those areas that have not been traditionally supported by other federal agencies and for which there is a recruiting need within the nuclear weapons complex;
  • Provide fundamental-science information and develop advanced experimental measurement techniques in selected areas of physical sciences: condensed matter physics and materials science, hydrodynamics, plasma and high-energy-density physics, fluid dynamics, and low-energy nuclear science;
  • Train scientists in specific areas of research relevant to stockpile stewardship;
  • Promote and sustain scientific interactions between the academic community and scientists at NNSA's laboratories through exchange of personnel;
  • Increase the availability of unique experimental facilities sited at NNSA's laboratories to the academic community, particularly for collaborations in areas of relevance to stockpile stewardship; and to
  • Develop and maintain a long-term recruiting pipeline to NNSA's laboratories by increasing the visibility of NNSA's Defense Program's scientific activities to the U.S. faculty and student communities.