United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program

The goal of the Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program (FRPP) is to protect prime or unique farmland, statewide and locally important soils, or historic and archaeological resources on farmland and ranch land from conversion to non-agricultural uses.  The program preserves valuable farmland for future generations; protecting agricultural land use and related conservation values of the land.  This goal is achieved by working cooperatively with State, Tribal, and local government entities and non-governmental organizations.

FRPP provides matching funds to help eligible entities purchase development rights to keep productive farmland and ranch land in agricultural uses. USDA provides up to 50 percent of the easement fair market value.

To qualify, farmland must: be part of a pending offer from a State, tribe, or local farmland protection program; be privately owned; be large enough to sustain agricultural production; be accessible to markets for what the land produces; have adequate infrastructure and agricultural support services; and have surrounding parcels of land that can support long-term agricultural production.

Additional Information:
Image of farm at edge of housing development

The documents below require Acrobat Reader.

Fact Sheet (PDF; 153 KB)
Questions & Answers (PDF; 177 KB)

Program Contact:

Jim Dunaway, Soil Conservationist
NRCS, Indianapolis, IN